
Here I was thinking it’s because two more seats had been farted in.

The 5 door Elantra has been called the Elantra GT forever.


“You never had your snark”

I hope you aren’t serious.

Porsche should stick to making SUV’s and leave the RWD sports cars to Subaru.

What tires is the BRZ Series.Yellow Edition riding on? Are they better than that crappy ones on the base model car.

The 2016 Ford Mustang looks properly phosphorescent in British police livery. Reports say U.K. cops are evaluating the pony car for patrol duty this summer. And perhaps crowd control detail?

So this:

Cool stuff. I wish they would break down parts and labor. We all know labor at BMW/Audi dealerships costs an arm and a leg. $1,200 alternator job where the part costs $200 and the labor $1,000. I do my own repairs and I own an Audi, I can tell you repairs and cost or repairs are as bad as they make it sound if you are

”..and it’s something you only use in very vigorous driving...”