Ms. Cleo

When a girl (or guy) doesn’t consent to have sex with you, do you scream “It’s your JOB!” and rape them?

The people also had their voice in the 2010 midterms, when republicans took the senate. The constitution imposes no duty on the senate to confirm the president’s nominee.

Oops you’re right, my bad, that was someone else...sorry.

For crediting her allegations when it is strongly in dispute, where she’s previously denied the abuse under oath, and where she stands to gain financially, yes.

If the shoe fits...

Ok, fine...they’re super bad. Better?

Kinda hard to shut anyone down when basic facts are in dispute.

He either did it or she’s a liar. you don’t know either of them, yet you’ve already chosen him as the liar in the scenario.


It’s not really about ‘looking better,’ necessarily...interaction with the court at hearings usually force these issues.

You should have said you’d eat your you have to turn in your bar card.

I confused myself going back and forth between “advice” as it is in the constitution and the senate advising the president as to their consent. You got me. Well done.

I consider the dems using budget reconciliation a dirty trick to ram Obamacare through...

Wow, you won a few SJW points with that burn!

So let’s require rape victims to work with their rapist unless or until they prove it in criminal court? Such compassion you have. Perhaps you could work on a rape crisis line and tell callers that they are liars until they prove it in a court of law.

How in the hell did you come up with that?

But that’s not reality. Perhaps that has been the practice, but usually when people say “it’s your job,” they mean you are required to do it. Senate isn’t required to have a hearing or a vote.

Again with the assumption of abuse. It hasn’t been established. Stop. You people are as bad as racists.

No, the troll is still nagging me, but I’m dismissing now.

Is she a multimillionaire?