
Isn't Julian Fellowes married to a woman who would have been Baronetess/Viscountess/Countess/Marchioness/Duchess Smartypants (*) in her own right, had it not been for the fact that she was born a girl and has an Uncle who will inherit that title once her father dies? Either that, or he's the son of a woman who would

Etsy. Probably.

Okay, question time (and this is for everyone): What do we think about Branson/Edith?


I take it you mean W-H-I-S-K-Y. They drink "whiskey" in Eire, but not in Alba.

Wanna hear something funny? I've always wanted to cook a Dickensian/Victorian-style goose for Christmas in order to try out something different. So if I'm flying to the UK for Christmas, I'd rather eat goose, duck, ham, and Christmas pudding :).

Hey missy (mister?), you heard John Stamos! PEDANTS SHALL BE BANNED. :/

Hell, let them have a whole network where racists, homophobes, etc can spout all their crap.

I call it "Frat Boy" face.

Well, since my family's from Mexico City and parts adjacent, my mom made the traditional Christmas dishes bacalao a la vizcaina (dried, salted cod "Biscay-style" sauteed with onion, garlic, green olives, cascabella peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and parsley) and revoltijo con tortitas de camaron (dried shrimp cakes in

I love you for this.

LULZ! It's not *that* bad. It's more like:

Lactose intolerant. Jamie Lee Curtis is powerless to help me.

I'm with Paula: Holiday eatin' is wonderful, but it wreaks havoc on my digestion. Especially since everything was SO FUCKING SPICY this year. My poop shoot will be burnin' well into 2014, let me tell ya.

I went to Chick Fil A once, and it was...okay. Not bad, but nothing to write home about either.

New trend!! And keeping in line with the "Hipster" m.o., this one can also be slightly pretentious and/or kooky...Naming your kids after authors and/or their famous works!

My cousin has two boys and she gave them both names that have a neutral spelling, but different pronunciations in English and Spanish. Sorta like my given name, come to think of it. Depending on the speaker, my name could sound very "ethnic" or "milquetoast."

I met a dude named Thor in RL. Older dude with a slight Eurotrashy accent. He was so wasted, he kept spilling his wine (*red* wine, URGH) all over my shoes.