
Single parents in black communities are often women. I wonder why that is. Maybe the trash dudes that shook the spot and left their kids behind would have an answer.

This is really good satire. I like the way you obliquely critique absentee fathers by leaving them completely unmentioned: invisible, but omnipresent trash.

I only took one logic course in college so I can’t remember exactly which fallacy you committed here so I’ll just go the less educated route and tell you to F U C K off.

Of course, someone had to come here and shit on black women. The same black women doing the raising of kids by themselves. Now do you have anything to say about the absentee parent or a society that abandons these women or nah?

At the very least, he owes Issa some money right now. Maybe he doesn’t know about her crashed car, but he does know that she had to move because they raised the rent. He needs to shell out some serious pocket change for two years of no dough and all woe.

I was pro Lawrence until he called Issa a fucking Ho’. Yeah they were having their breakup conversation and deliberately trying to hurt each other but he became trash to me when he crossed that line. A 5 year relationship is hard to end but there are just some lines you don’t cross.

This is the Picasso of trolling. Either that, or the Stacy Dash of sincere opinions.

Of course you think black women are trash. You must be an ain’t shit sort of fellow.

Lawrence is a roller coaster. Some episodes I want to root for him, sometimes I can’t stand him. Trash-ish is a good way of putting it.

Short synopsis:

Rich, blame women and don’t focus on the absent parent. You’re assuming men are trash because they got it from their mama, I’d say in some cases that’s true but in most it isn’t.

This is literally the worst take I’ve ever heard about anything in my entire life. It’s like Jason Whitlock and Umar Johnson had a baby, and named that baby Tomi Lahren. You are that baby.

The characterization is uneven for Issa. But overall she seems like she’s a goody two shoes who’s never really been about that life, or even knows people that are about that life. She’s not pretending to be hood, and the show is self aware in that.

But that seems to always be Issa’s problem - foresight. If she can’t think 3-5 minutes into the future of what the outcome of a blowjob is and what to do when someone explicitly says “I’M COMING!”, how the fuck is she going to get the rest of her affairs in order?

Agreed. Molly doesn’t need to have a relationship with anyone but her therapist right now.

I’ll have to go back & re-watch that part (thought he was talking about another black woman in the office). Molly def needs to get back in therapy, she’s attracted to bad situations. Sterling K Brown’s character seemed like a good fit, she even brought him to her parent’s anniversary party, then abandons him there.

Molly needs to get herself back in to therapy. She displays self destructive behavior in her personal life because she is not satisfied in her professional life.

Neither. I think maybe because I believe he really cares for Issa and would have been down for a real relationship with her?

I think something is wrong with me. I kind of like Daniel...