

“Life is pain, princess.”

I think the odds that the last generation will occur when there are 8 billion of us is pretty low.

If you want to be reassured, let me say that we are a remarkably resilient species, we have bioengineering ideas for addressing climate change (should it come to that), and a bunch of people thought we were all going to die once our planet hit six billion in population in the 1970s, and boy were they wrong.

Ross Jeffries (on the far right, the basis for Tom Cruise’s character in Magnolia) hit on me on a plane once.

Is he trying to look like Dr. Evil on purpose, or is that just how he looks?

He is wrong about those traits, he is overselling the research, and he is using generalities to discount women’s abilities, interests, and aptitudes. After circulating something like this publicly, he cannot supervise or rate any female colleagues, he is clearly biased.

That’s not accurate. What he wrote was a screed positing that women succeed less because they are less able inherently. They had to fire him. And if he thought it was solicited by HR, he should have sent it straight to HR, with a cover email saying as much. Also, he didn’t properly interpret the research he cited, so

White men did it more, though. I think they should stop getting a pass for racist behavior.

Well, 63% (or more) of the white men doing the grabbing voted for Trump too. White women deserve plenty of blame for this, but #whataboutthemen

No. Because those are not protected classes. Businesses can refuse to serve someone for any reason or no reason, unless the group is protected from discrimination under a civil rights statute. Neo-nazis and sister beaters aren’t. But if you make wedding cakes, you cannot discriminate based on the race, religious

The SPLC has actually repeatedly urged people not to counter-protest the Alt-Right, and thus starve them of oxygen, and hold rallies on other days that eclipse them in size, as a way to create a counter-narrative that is more powerful and persuasive than counterprotesting. I haven’t decided yet whether I agree with

That is a sad story.

Trader Joe’s sells it.

Buffalo Trace, Eagle Rare (on sale), Elijah Craig, W.L Weller (if you can get it for list price, which is around $30-$35), Evan Williams.

That is not correct. Tasers can be repeatedly deployed. That is how a number of police brutality deaths have occurred.

You misgendered Sgt. Ireland. The proper pronoun is “he.”

Dresses can easily cost between $750-$2000 (or much, much more), and they are made to order, so it takes more than a month after you order it to get it from the seller, (usually 8-10 weeks) unless you luck out and the store has one in your size that they are willing to part with—which often is not the case, usually

Okay, I teared up and I haven’t even watched the video. I miss her.

The sad thing is that for every dumb racist who puts it in writing, there are dozens more who are just shitty to people without making it clear why.