
It is a Jordanian flag. One of the two women wearing it has both of her cheeks visible, with a <3 U.S. on the other cheek. It seems she is showing that she is an immigrant from Jordan, and loves the U.S.

Illegal immigrants don’t qualify for SNAP. Legal ones do. Legal immigrants are worried about being booted out also.

I seriously hope that he oversaturates the market and his base stops going to rallies because there are too many, and then when actual reelection comes around, he is old news.

In many states, accusing someone of a crime is libel “per se” which means you do not have to prove damages, damages are assumed. (Although if you want anything more than $1, you have to prove damages.) Technically, you can even get punitive damages on a $1 damage award, but that rarely/never happens.

If that was their plan, they erred, because the Courts can look at the motivation behind the first ban, and use it to say that the second ban is also motivated by discrimination.

I don’t understand that sweater. Although it is probably worth more than me.

It’s an old insult from Spy magazine. Rubio repeated it.

Trump is not within the normal range, but still, he has terrible taste in clothing.

I saw an “Identity Evropa” sticker on a parking sign facing the street in a very white CA enclave last month, peeled it off and threw it in the trash. Felt dirty.

He is unprincipled because in the past, he applied one standard of conduct to Bill Clinton regarding perjury, and is applying another to himself. He applies one standard to liberal white attorneys and black attorneys, and another to the KKK.

No, no he is not. Sessions is a bigot, without principle. There are other conservatives who would do much less damage, because even if they would (usually) obey Trump, their font of racism would not run as deeply. The man has no business being attorney general.

I think you are completely wrong about why Hilary lost.

I kind of like her dress, though.

A default judgment is what is entered when the defendant does not respond to the lawsuit within the time required. The amount of the judgment is determined during a “prove up” hearing where the plaintiff has to prove the amount of damages.

Don’t forget Metropolis!!

Right? What is wrong with being serene, or measured. If her delivery was impassioned, she would be emotional. Because it is not, she is a robot. There is no winning for losing around here.

Middle america doesn’t see democrats as useless. They sometimes vote for democrats. I think you are thinking of the south, post southern strategy.

Speaking as a veteran, this isn’t quite accurate:

She’s not approved. She’s just out of panel. If you live in a state with a Republican Senator, call them YESTERDAY.

Yes, that’s my point, that she probably did not sue for sexual harassment/assault because the statute in California has most likely passed, absent an exception.