Ms. Bellum

Plot twist!

"Some people, known as “gray-asexuals”, experience sexual attraction infrequently or not very strongly or possibly aren't quite sure whether or not what they experience is sexual attraction."

I read a psych exam which asked what all human beings would likely have in common: math or putting their pants on one leg at a time. The "correct" answer was the pants.

I would read that book.

Well, I've just watched some cool judo videos now, so thank you.

IIIIIIII will never forget you, Tyrmynytyr!
I'll always be glad I met you, Tyrmynytyr.

Taisetsu na mono protect my balls…

Man, I'm not gonna lie, about 90% of this post is genuinely disturbing. Particularly II. Ditching someone for your own sanity means not taking that pathetic and desperate person back and using them for unsatisfying sex followed by harsh rejection. It's cruel to them and unhealthy for you. Please take better care

*beautiful tropical fish proceeds to liz*

Bananas and peaches.

The average fanfiction is crap. Depending on the age group of the fans and the quality of the original, the best 5-20% of fanfiction is typically as good or better than the source material.

I put my movie watching dollars to much better use and saw Spy. It was everything I'd heard: except for a few "too cute" moments (I'm not a big fan of the 50 Cent helicopter bit), very solid action comedy, and a great showcase for Melissa McCarthy.

True, but like a lot of synonyms, they're not entirely useless because they have different connotations than the original word. Estimate seems to imply an "educated" guess, guess implies an innocent stab in the dark, and guestimate implies saying FUCK IT and drunkenly slopping in as much oil as you think the food

Nah, my fantasies aren't allowed either. Not since Arkansas folded.

Sorry, man, no dice.

They won't make it home, but they really don't care.

I just re-watched that today and completely failed to notice that it's a bottle episode, which is fairly impressive on their part. Definitely my favorite Season 7 episode.

Loooooooved Give Yourself Goosebumps, tore them apart. Scream of the Evil Genie was my favorite.

Yes, that sounds like a good trip which is unpleasant for others.

Re-watching Season 6 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: "The Gang Buys a Boat," "Mac's Big Break," and "Mac and Charlie: White Trash." The first is a classic, including the fantastic "Implication" scene between Dennis and Mac and also Dee fighting and swaying with the airdancer. "Mac's Big Break" is somewhat less