Ms. Bellum

I believe it's been renewed through season 7. Sorry, man.

And the shippers get a parting gift in the form of Noel Fisher crossdressing.

Yes, I was so proud of him! That was an appropriately sized prank!

Also goes for most of the characters on Better Things.

They've been laying on the "Catalina is evil!!" clues, narration, etc. so hard that I wonder if they're going to take a left turn on her, i.e. make her not-at-all-malicious in the end.

Best episode I've seen in a while and the best Frank story I've seen since Bianca at LEAST.

I, myself, was nonplussed.

Kermit continues to be the personification of pearls before swine. You go, Kermit.

I am a super-wuss when it comes to horror movies, but no, I wouldn't say so either. It's a pretty classic example of a thriller, instead.

You may be right but not necessarily— after all, you could be intersex and appear outwardly female (with internal testicles or some such). They may not have chosen but discovered it later.

She is not allowed to kick Debbie out— that would certainly be abandoning her duties. I mean, as far as "legal guardian duties" go, that's as fundamental as it gets.

I'm glad to see someone bringing up the Lip-Frank comparison here: Lip's "rules" at the Alibi seemed like a parallel to Frank's post-transplant system.

In the literal sense, yes, we've heard Liam say a few words, so he's not (physically) mute. At this point it feels like a deliberate character choice, the delayed speech as a developmental issue related to his environment. If they can carry that off, I'll be very pleased.

I agree with you on the "maybe OCD" point, in that we haven't seen enough of her to say, but not because of the kitchen. Some people with OCD have issues with germs, tidiness, etc. and some do not. You don't have to be obsessed with cleaning to have OCD.



"Right, but the federal government does have the death penalty." If you are tried in the federal system, you will be sentenced under federal law. The fact that the court and prison would be physically located in NY is irrelevant.

She did, in fact.

Piper bringing back the army of moonsmurfs to avenge their deaths really saved her character for me. Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, amirite?