Sparkling, man. Gotta be sparkling.
Sparkling, man. Gotta be sparkling.
Yeah, this seems like a pretty clear-cut drama to me.
On… Benton… Harbor Street!
Sure, people only do good things because it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy. If we didn't feel proud and like better people after doing "selfless" things (or at least get some relief of guilt and self-loathing), we wouldn't bother to do them. But if the result is still helping someone, it doesn't seem like it…
TBH you're probably not a bad person or a good person, but floating around in that neutral zone with 85-90% of the world's population. But don't let your "instinctual reaction" dictate whether you're a good person, because everyone's id is a whiny, spoiled child. You are defined far more by the way that you respond…
Nah, Ellie Kemper plays perky optimism as a mechanism for dealing with severe trauma. I would go with someone who leads exercise videos, myself.
I haven't played around too much with Disqus's HTML, but I'd have to suggest larger text. Caps just aren't oppressively loud enough if you really need to get the job done.
…yeah, you know what? When a couple dozen people died in bizarre circumstances three hundred years ago, that's not a Great Tragedy of Humanity, it's more of a Weird Moment in History. It is an excellent lesson in human behavior, and we should endeavor to remember the facts of it for that reason. But turning…
I'm… hoping Dan made that one up.
a) In terms of actually keeping me from the brink? My immediately family and closest friends, for sure. The notion that there are people who would be emotionally devastated and probably never fully get past my death removes suicide as a real option. In terms of "what makes life worth living"? Learning things, I…
Taystee for President!
Right, and he responded by telling her about his old nickname— Beer Can.
Yes, but you'll be younger than you'll ever be again.
Oh, what am I doing wrong? No matter what I do, everyone keeps saying I'm a D! *sobs*
HAGGHH jibbliejibbliejibbliejibbliejibbliiiiieee
And you'll keep waiting to see it; serves you right.
Pretty damn great, actually. Went swimming at the lake nearby, saw six movies (including a double feature of Inside Out and Tomorrowland at the drive in), ate pancakes and lobster (separately), spent Father's Day with my dad. Good times.
If anyone, like me, needs to immediately investigate this WTFery, the NPR piece is here:…
So really, my dick hat is the ultimate fascinator…