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    I could care less about the NBA...but I’d actually root against them. Imagine its the finals and Curry ghosts out and disappears like last year and Durant cant win it on his own.... THAT would be good watching. Just as they won 73 games but lost in the finals and now no one gives a shit how many games they won.

    Fuck SAS.

    So now instead there only ZERO compelling teams in the NBA

    I reject the notion that enjoying microbrews is some hipster indulgence. Its not. I’m a casual beer drinker at best (maybe 4 times a year) and I would rather savor and enjoy a craft brew.

    This bag of fuck needs a beat down.

    I’m 100% on board if its not priced moronically.

    Nope. I spoke with Ford directly and they politely told me they would fix under warranty but I’m on my own for a rental.

    Man, kudos to you for racing a Fiesta..I drive mine just to work and I never know when the fucking transmission will lock in 2nd or the doors will pop open on a random turn.

    Tell that to Ford who put shitty transmissions into cars. They keep asking me to come in and so they can take the trans a apart which takes them 5 days. They refuse to pay for a loaner or rental but then threaten when you don’t bring it in so they can have it for a week.

    This just in: all of the programmers were swatted over the weekend and now receiving death threats from 14 year old boys on Twitter who blew their parents money allowance on player packs.

    I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue

    That shit was bananas

    My loads is secure....its been 19 months.....


    Frank Quattrone, the founder and exeQutive chairman of Qatalyst, has Qontacted Qompanies including large auto makers about aQuiring a stake in Lyft, the people said. It isn’t Qlear whether Lyft is aiming to sell itself or raise new funding.

    I’m aware. But they aren’t going anywhere competitively so they can go....

    Said an 8 year old me when we landed here in 1981...