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    I love God but that Facebook post was loony tunes.

    That made my Monday. I’m heading home

    They can HAVE the Coyotes. They bitch about everything and want to leave Glendale anyway...

    I bet it cuts like a knife...and it feels so right

    Peter, she was anorexic.

    My farm team little league coach would have screamed at us for doing that.


    Announcer da real MVP



    So I’m not too bright, so bear with me: With all the buyback TDI’s...would those be resold?

    greatness from 1997! Love that!

    Too bad its only because he’s someone famous. Any regular Joe would get dick.

    My mom has a low end Kia. Its not terrible but boy do they cut corners. Spare tire? Nope. Donut? Nope. = CAN OF FIX-A-FLAT. I didn’t know that was legal. It rattles but its way more reliable than my fucking piece of shit Fiesta (fuck Ford).

    It always seemed to me that:

    FUCK Ford


    Jesus man, that music had me close to seizures

    Phoenix! (To which Gilbert is a suburb of)