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    If it were my daughter, nothing would keep me from tearing his fucking head off. NOTHING.

    I never had any teachers who looked like that. Shit, mine all looked like Jack Palance.

    That’s bad ass. She’s bad ass.

    I have no opinion other than I’d like to see video of her speaking. All the the pictures I see of her, she seems like an engaging person to speak with.


    For $7.75m I’d..... Well I’d do stuff and I’d sure as fuck show up to work.

    So Rio paying off the Olympic Committee to host...like who ever thought this was going to go well...will not expose the corruption all around. What a clusterfuck...


    Based on the reddit I found: this is your troll. His user name matches the reddit uner name that is a hate spitting mess and then deleted his reddit profile.

    This just in: D-Backs trade all first round picks until 2056 and 4 players to be announced later for vet pitcher.

    It’s. Not. Because of women. Claiming so is just ludicrous.

    Not all men think/feel/do heinous things like that. Just sayin’

    Still better than Arizona

    In my mind, when GS hit 73 wins, the finals were automatic. After watching them flounder for 2 games, I wouldn’t anoint them just yet. I think it’s better than 50/50 they will win this series, but they haven’t been as automatic as the regular season.

    Tragic, but then it sounds like he had trouble EVERYWHERE he went. Which means he brought the trouble with him.


    Thank god that fucking imbecile Drake won’t be on tv for a while. Hasn’t anyone told him his 15 minutes were up 16 minutes ago?

    Islamophobia is spread by people who blow shit up for Allah.

    That’s really great. Truly. And I hope it lasts forever.

    Clearly I need to be putting myself around YOUR friends then. Here in the armpit of the universe, whatever women want, it sure as hell isn’t me. And I feel like I fit into the chubby, bearded and also witty, a tiny bit geeky but still manly, Stan Rizzo category.