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    A good lawyer and he will be playing for Baylor this season.

    He has better taste in orange juice than he does in wine....

    And this is based solely on their physical appearance?

    Very well said. In my case the less face I show the better.

    Please indulge me. And I mean this with complete respect. But who do you find attractive? I guess I'm so incredibly out of touch. But I honestly and genuinely would like to know.

    What a dire time to be attracted to men.

    And sadly this will be the only mention of the Diamondbacks in non-local media.....

    After only casually watching the series I ponder: who's a bigger bitch - Lebron or Drake?

    Everything is better with Minor Threat

    Interesting article. I go to cons with my daughter and am always hopeful to meet like minded people. I haven’t as of yet dressed up because of money. I spend it all so that my chiclet can realize her vision for a character. I know at some point I will do it...just haven’t yet.


    Crashing? Landing really hard?

    He gotz 99 prollems but dat houz ain’ wunn.

    Come out from under the rock, idiot. If you’ve ever seen the incredible jumps performs, I guarantee you he’s wrecked on those many times to get them right.

    In other news....the largest Zombie Walk in the country is ending because it’s “too successful”.


    Garbage’s sound has so many good things in it, yet I’ve never been a fan. It’s weird. The guitars are good, the beats are usually good, it’s uptempo, Manson doesn’t have the best voice but is a more than capable front person (which is no easy task). But for me the parts are worth more than the sum.

    I’m 43 and I’m ready to get some now. It’s going to make it easier to exist as a middle aged, over weight dude. I’ll never leave the house, I’ll just have to remember to feed the dog.