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    I love that Musk has GIANT balls. The whole industry has been asleep at the wheel forever. I hope he makes that 2018 or is at least in the ballpark.

    The D-Backs are worse at home lol

    Love the R5. Everything else looks dumb.

    On the one hand, obviously serious money was spent on the Camaro and one feels bad seeing what happened to it. On the other, such douchebaggery is the cause and I don’t feel bad at all.

    Now playing

    “Hey RZA, how many bites did it take to chew yo fuckin’ arm off..”

    After 35 years (in July) I’m counting the days until I get to leave this one horse town. No culture, No past (oldest pizza place is a fucking Domino’s) and no defining positives (other than a goddamn huge hole in the ground, Sheriff Joe, Mexican drug cartels, rampant meth mouth, urban bro-cowboys, and a ton of people

    New York sucks...HA! You should live in Phoenix.

    Took a few steps....a few

    Sick pics are bro. Douchey bro.

    Excellent strike!

    SO phone/text/twitter tough guys don’t want to talk. Big shock.


    That's awesome. Damn good catch!

    I would have totally went though I hate EDM. I’d been a good companion for the Jez staff too as women are completely repulsed by me, thus clearing lanes for them to explore and relay their experiences and observations for us to read.

    I work for a company that prints and sells them, you can customize a single one and have it printed too. Anyway, we did one for Bernie Sanders (customer design) that said: “Bernie Sanders, because fuck this shit”

    If your impression was like mine, I’d have to agree. He was BIG and SCARY. Seriously, hes a scary dude.

    Honest question: Are Mitsu vehicles reliable but not competitive? Not Reliable?

    Money makes for good social insulation.

    That's fucking awesome.

    “Don’t bring that weak shit”