Isn’t steel quite a bit stronger under tension than compression anyways?
Isn’t steel quite a bit stronger under tension than compression anyways?
How do you know the crack was “visibly forming at least a week before it was caught”? I think it’s plausible that it first opened up like this that day.
How do you know the crack was “visibly forming at least a week before it was caught”? I think it’s plausible that it first opened up like this that day.
Nostalgia, I guess? That said, Black Mesa itself exists because of nostalgia, so I dunno...
Two points I’d like to make:
Hey, a list instead of a slideshow! That means I actually read it!
I don’t see how it’s confusing at all. Having an automaker brand the engine is a huge win. More money coming in, covering the cost of the work you’re doing anyways. If Red Bull ran their engines/PUs as “Red Bull Powertrains”, their energy drink brand is hardly getting any more exposure than they have as “Red Bull…
Cool. So, 17 is still less than the 18 from W-series. Meaning, why even list car count as adding to the challenge? It’s like saying, “She’ll have to turn left AND right!”, or “The cars will have FOUR wheels”. OK, she’s already used to both. Just like she’s used to full fields of competitors. For that matter, I’ll…
“The field is going to be big...” Lol, only 11 drivers completed the full Indy Lights season in 2022. 18 in W Series.
20.56 / 26 = 0.79 body lengths per second, not 1.27. Gotta get your numbers in order, Owen. The two craft are propelled in completely different ways anyway, which makes the comparison moot.
Yeah. The road system is good enough for most things. Also, safety - flying high enough to be above trees, power cables, building, everything means you’re at death-height if whatever is getting you that high fails. Crashes happen on roads, sure. But you don’t die just because you ran out of gas, or got a flat tire.
Yep, this. The headline jumped out at me like “author does now know their adult beverages well enough to be writing this article”. Not a snob over here, just another example of glorious internet incompetence. True “champagne” is just sparkling wine from the Champagne region of France.
Would it really be so hard to say what model this custom job was based on? ...
I have a feeling the tall blonde one wearing a skirt is a man.
I have a feeling the tall blonde one wearing a red skirt is a man.
Travis = they?
To be fair - 37% of Nintendo’s salaried workforce being female is way higher than I expected. I know - “it’s never high enough until it’s at least 50%”. But you have to look at the total ratio in the industry, and 37% must be well above average, right? I’m not trying to shift attention from the downright shitty…
Dunno... stopping their current unnecessary could free up a bunch of cash.
Came to this article only to say this, leaving happy it had been said already, and plentifully starred.
I believe there are exceptions to child labor laws in every state about children working part-time for small family run operations.