“Remember Coach?......where is he?”
“Remember Coach?......where is he?”
ok but you should watch the episode where Cece and Jess get high and watch Anne of Green Gables for Cece’s bachelorette party. They talk about how much they want to wreck Gilbert Blythe and it was the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen on the television.
This lovely NYMag piece on the episode (I think by the producer) makes it likely it was a bit of both: http://www.vulture.com/2016/04/new-gi…
This is what Chris Rock’s Oscar monologue should have been imho. He kept it 100.
Someone in the Dirt Bag comments yesterday was whining about how terrible Amy Schumer is because the asshole fan she called out was now going to get rape and death threats. My first thought was, “You are ridiculously naive if you think HE’S the one who is going to be inundated with hate and harassment over this.”
I remember when Amy was Jezebel's darling. Seems like we are being encouraged to pillory her now.
I’ll have both, please.
my name is Snacky AND YOU WILL ALL CALL ME THAT.
No one’s going to point out “upmost?” Ok, I will.
The “revolution” message sells. Specifics are dumb and pointless to the under-25 set.
Yeah, stupid Hillary with her research and planning and policy and basically knowing all of her shit. It’s almost like there’s a ephemeral reason why she needs to always come off prepared and not wing it like the rest of the people in the election.
the point is whether or not they are to disconnected from everyday people. That is why they always ask candidates how much a gallon of milk costs. I think it is relevant when you are running a campaign based on being one of the people.
He’s from Brooklyn and was meeting with The Daily News not the San Diego Union-Tribune. This is the kind of “Man of the people” v. “Out-of-touch Elitist” question they often ask.
It’s been said before about many politicians: good at pointing out problems, not so good at solving them.
They are excoriating him for it because he demonstrated that he lacked basic knowledge on a topic he talks about constantly. He isn’t wrong about how the system is fucked, but it is a problem that he has zero interest in figuring out how to fix it beyond giving speeches. I like the guy, but this is a serious flaw of…
Honestly, I thought the reaction was a little over-much (but I still understand where it’s coming from. Until these things are not commonplace, they are still sorta shitty).
That being said, Gap’s response was pretty awesome. No hand-wringing, just “We offended people. We’re acknowledging that, and we’ll change what’s…
She was for subway tokens before she was against them.
Guys imagine if HRC had said something about fucking subway tokens.
I don’t love the photo choice - it draws odd attention to her, with that pink shirt, but she is so unhappy looking compared to the other girls. I don’t know how much I agree that it was racist, but I do think it’s mediocre ad design, and they could have done better.