
The most important fact is omitted from this article, which is that when I started watching the above (terrible) video, my dog started going absolutely apeshit with one of her squeaky toys on the couch behind me and it totally fit with the (terrible) music, so I'll be "leaking" my YouTube remix video here shortly.

Real cut of the crop intellectuals here. All of them.

I'm laughing because in his defense, when he found the video his reaction was pretty much like this. "OMG THIS IS TOTALLY SHOCKING REBECCA YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS." That's Mark. He's like that all day, every day. "OMG REBECCA YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS PHOTO CHECK THIS OUT." I think he would walk around

Since dating is not a democracy, it's not racist to have a preference for a person of similar background. But... when people say stuff like "I don't find Asian men attractive," I have to wonder, did you really need to communicate that shit to me? It's called an inner life — that's where you put those thoughts you

Well to be fair, she did not out him. She shittalked him without mentioning his name. He's the one who said, "SHE'S TALKING ABOUT ME! #FAT"

I would love to live in your universe, where being an asshole to a black woman makes you blacklisted in Hollywood. Let me know how to get there, we'll have tea sometime.

This isn't the first time Jesse Williams has shown himself to be AMAZING.

You'll find that the people doing the oppressing always want to start the narrative at a convenient part, or always want to start the story in the middle.

After reading the headline, I was convienced Peak Palin was one of her children. I'm glad it's not but this is still troubling.

Your mother should have swallowed.

I think stats are one in six black men have been in jail and, correct me if I'm wrong, I remember reading that like one in three should expect to serve time.

I'd like to think it's hyperbole but just thinking of my circle of friends/acquaintances/family...the math sadly balances out

That being said, black man with a

Kelly's pixie cut is super cute too, just sayin'

Think what you want about religion, but pop, rock, hip hop, jazz, soul- all of it basically- comes from African American gospel and Negro spiritual traditions.* The genre of this song is just a continuation of that.

ONLY WHITE PEOPLE assume that a person not coddling them hates them.

And only white people think racism means hating a person.

I don't hate you, I'm just telling you the truth, while simultaneously NOT reassuring you that you're a good person.

White folks call that racism, though.

So YOU'RE white, and you ALSO know wtf I'm talking about?!?!?

Funny how a Black woman's experiences aren't validated until someone white agrees with her, though.

"High horse".

Cause G-d forbid a negress think she's better than white people.

Can't have a colored gal knowing something white folks don't, it might make them feeeeeeeel bad.

Which is where your 'high horse' comment came from.

Take care, lovie.

So you made a Google query that left race out of the equation,

Got your confirmation bias,

And you're now coming to tell me I'm wrong,

Because you purposely conducted a search that left race out.

Think about how that sounds for just a millisecond.


You're white, and you have experienced the phenomenon I'm talking about,

The one I JUST gatdamn said that I've experienced for OVER THIRTY YEARS?


Yup. I'm white and when other white people say it it's always tinged with a BIT of surprise. Like "OH and he/she was so articulate!" Even I find it a bit offensive, I can't imagine what it feels like to be on the receiving end.