If you’re going to be a racist...leave us negroes alone.
If you’re going to be a racist...leave us negroes alone.
A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?
I’ll never understand why some white people feign surprise whenever other white folk spew some racist bullshit.
I don’t think it’s piss-poor. They’re both beautiful and they seem sincere and sincerely in love. And I think they really do have great sex.
Shhhh. If a white liberal lady calls out other white people she gets precious minority points while she ethnically cleanses...I mean...gentrifies Brooklyn
How about I said what I said for a reason.
I come from a ranching family in Mexico (though I was born here), so we don’t really see animals in the same way that the dominant group in the US sees them. My dad used to go in the back of the ranch to shoot dogs that were no longer useful. He used to do the same to feral cats because they would kill the chickens…
It's not actually clear that he was cat calling her, the real story is unknown. Carolyn Bryant said at trial that he asked her for a date but I think we can all agree that her report is suspect. Some said that he wolf whistled at her, another lynchable crime in the 1950s (1800s, 1910s, 1920s,1930s,1940s,1960s)…
I also thought that "cleansing one's uterus" = "menstruation". Which I can do for free, thankyavurrymuch.
They aren't. Are you okay? You seem lost.
"...each branch comes up with its own criteria for excellence and each nominates its colleagues..."
Not a fan of them either, but Barbara Bush kind of won me over with this one, about Nancy Reagan:
I wonder what it feels like to be married for 70 years.
I'm just going to think of them as "cute old couple" for now. They're out of the White House, so it's cool. :)
Sometimes a racist pot finds it's equally racist lid.
Either that or she's trying to take over the intergalactic Spice trade.
madonna has gone from icon to selfish, out of touch old lady.
Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.
Also, when dudes stay over at my house, they sometimes think they can eat my food and play my video games. No. Unless you're on the fuckbuddy track, you go home to your own food and your own playstation.