
Yeah, that is one of those, "Are these real Twitter accounts or staffers writing gags?" situations. The David Blaine burn was almost *too* good...

I think your reply sums up the general attitude for everyone who reacted negatively to those yearbook spreads, and it's this: "bad decision, suffer consequences." It's important to address this attitude because, while it's not stated in so many words, this is the attitude of everyone who fears getting pregnant -

"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"

What a coincidence ur comment is the saddest example of anal retention I've seen in quite some time.

his music video "Big Rich Town" on the 4 train in the Bronx (for which 50 did not have a permit, tsk tsk)

At worst they ran blush. Mayyyybe mascara.

For Christmas, I was given a joke onesie by my parents and some regifted wine by my aunt who doesn't know that I never really drink it. BUT now that I'm home, I'm trying out both the onesie and the wine and, who would've thought it? The onesie is the softest, slinkiest, most deliciously enveloping thing I've ever

I'm rooting for anything at this point. A bolt of lightening. Quicksand. A portal to another dimension. I'll take literally anything bad happened to this piece of shit. A splinter. A papercut. I'll take whatever* the universe has got on hand.

I can't figure out if he or Grace Jones like wins more for that scene.

Me too...but didn't you kind of love EVERYONE in Boomerang? I mean everyone looking great but being hilarious too. And "Maaaahhkuss Dahling"...

Yeah, for the white lawyer who fails to save the innocent black man but sacrificed his social standing and his families safety for doing the right thing.

It's okay this is just a blip on the radar. We'll be back to sassy black maid just freed from her chains and raising precocious tow headed white children while her husband is on trial for a rape he didn't commit but has a great white lawyer that will fight for him but lose and his son will grow up to become a great

If there is anything I can clarify for you please let me know. I am pretty straight-forward about my thoughts (at least I think I am clear and,straightforward). But reading comprehension can be challenging for all of us.

I never called trans women male bodied. That simply never happened. I in no way believe that trans women are anything but women (it's like saying the sky is blue—-trans women are WOMEN) and would not state anything to the contrary.

Go back and read my original post slowly, please. This seems to be a reading comprehension issue. Nowhere AT ALL do I equate trans women with being men. That is being read into my comment so that people have something to be indignant and patronizing about. Must have been a slow Friday for people.

Well, I AM talking about Black women, Asian women, Latinas, trans women, busty women, flat-chested women, curvy women, straight up-and-down women, etc. So sorry that's not to your liking (actually, nope, not sorry at all).

I have said before and will say again—-the idealized female body in high fashion which includes height, low body fat, thin hips and small breasts may be easier for transgendered women to attain than woman generally, yes, including other transgendred women. I don't think it's a coincidence that the two transgendered

The DrDonna and others on this discussion are unfairly critiquing ParisTiger as somehow being unfair by noticing inherent problems with idolizing as female a body that was born male. Unfortunately, they are mistaking concern for others' feelings for logic, or medical reality. A transwoman may be on hormone therapy,

"ONE! ONE failed extortion attempt by elected officials and supposed grown people! AH-hah-hah!"

I want to know who is taking the photo of Kelly Osborne and her boyfriend. There is no way she didn't ask some one to take it for her, and then pose just so.