
Democrats: “Bernie is bad on race.”

Ask your favorite sportsball player if he would like to turn in his socks with the hole where the big toe is and get a new pair of socks. Probably at least four out of ten of them will tell you to get bent. She may feel the same superstitious way about this keyboard. It’s worked for her, a new one might jinx her.

I remember Daphne Zuniga for starring opposite a young John Cusack in The Sure Thing. (A film that I somewhat improbably quoted in my grad school application essay.)

It appears that Cofer was out as a trans man to only a handful of people, and there is no indication at this time that his gender identity was a motivating factor in his death.

I know dating apps are bleak, I’ve never managed to use one for more than a day before I just nope out in an anxious fit. But youthful types such as yourself might not know that it was ALWAYS bleak. Before apps, before websites, we had ooh lets see... personal ads in the back pages of the newspaper. hotlines. speed

What is the option for those of us that didn’t get picked for the proverbial kick ball team and are still standing on the sidelines waiting? It doesn’t get any easier the older you get, that’s for sure.

First the aging comment is agist in itself, and honestly I think the guys his age getting shot up with fillers are the skeevy looking ones. Pathetic, sad loser - hm, starring in the newest movie from, like him or not, one of Hollywood’s hottest directors, and I can’t really remember the last time he’s had any kind of

Not even one mention of “Clean House” in which she was the host for 9 seasons? Foolishness!

Why is Anderson Cooper being singled out AGAIN for being born into a wealthy family? We all have issues with capitalism and greed but there are far worse examples and people to vent about. By all accounts he had a good relationship with his mother who he just lost. Christ on a cracker. This site has the most random

My husband worked for a few years for a family that was VERY wealthy (oil &gas) and that’s when I realized that “just plain filthy rich” topsrich & famous” by a mile. Gobs of money AND complete anonymity is the way to go.

...but McGrath is a self-described moderate who believes the Democrats currently running for president are veering too far to the left. She doesn’t support eliminating private insurance under a Medicare-for-all plan, nor does she support subsidizing healthcare for undocumented immigrants. She also describes herself as

I don’t need her to be a leftist dream, I need her to be better than Mitch. It’s a pretty low bar. Campaigning in a way that talks to voters she needs to win over, conservatives who have probably voted red their whole lives (or voted southern democrat when that was still a thing) is smart. 

It doesn’t matter.  She needs to speak with moral clarity; even about issues that the House might not be able to do anything about.  She’s bad at that aspect of her job.  

Voight-Kampff says he’s a Replicant.

I look at people I love like that all the time, including my children, dogs I like, my parents, and my close friends.  It’s established that these two have been close friends for decades, isn’t that enough to justify a look of love?

Blue Ivy’s great but she’s no

These comments are really cementing my desire to NEVER EVER FUCKING GIVE BIRTH HOLY SHIT

How GD elitist is this site becoming?  People at 650 stores are losing their jobs (including my SIL) so this is so damn shitty.