
Details, please.

How could you not address the InTouch cover story about photos that shocked the Queen!??! Are we supposed to believe that is Meghan Markle? Or is that expert InTouch cover bait and switch of the highest order? MUST KNOW!

Diana cheated, herself. Perhaps it was retaliation cheating, but I get tired of the deification of her and the reciprocal vilification of Charles. I’m not saying she wasn’t a good woman, but she also had her own interests in mind a lot of the time leading up to the divorce. 

This. He’s basically paying $70M for tuition, and his gift benefits many many students. I don’t see anything wrong with this.

Re: Addition and Recovery. We should support everyone going through the struggle and not just those that we deem worthy. 

I love this!!!

I need you all to know that it’s snowing in New York and I’m in a tropical paradise in Puerto Rico for a long weekend by myself because #treatyoself.  Splurged in a great hotel, got upgraded at check-in, watched sunset on the beach with a mojito, currently on a date with myself at a fancy restaurant. Once you get

From what I’ve read, Freddie took Princess Diana to ONE gay bar on ONE night. While it would have been fun to have that little bit in the movie, it doesn’t appear it happened more than once while you make it sound like this was more. Personally, I think the movie was a fine run-of-the-mill rock biography. Yes, his

Does anybody actually vet candidates and do background checks anymore? How does a guy run for AG and then Lt. Gov without a rape allegation surfacing? How did the Washington Post not come across this while looking into the first accusation?

I refuse to judge B. Smith’s husband.  If you haven’t lived it you have no vote, opinion or advice to offer.  

I saw the very end, so I just saw Liu and Bell, and I was surprised how much more beautiful Bell’s routine was. Like night and day.

And because she’s only one in a sea of whiteness she’s not worthy of a mention?

I find Adam Driver so attractive.

Dear Jez staff,

So would it make you happy if Leo DiCaprio entered into yet another sham Hollywood marriage, then made some woman and their kids miserable with yet another Hollywood divorce in the headlines? And reducing the women he dates to “yet another model” really devalues those women as a whole, who likely have more to offer

Um, why aren’t Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, and their corporate whore house of a wedding, at the top of the list? They are the Official Bridezillas of Thirst.

Actually being in a relationship but having my own place is my ideal!

Was she an employee too? Or just a guest at the party because she was dating someone who was an employee? It’s shitty behavior from him, but is it sexual harrassment or is it just a sleazy drunken come-on?

I never gave it much thought, but I just saw (in the last couple days or so) the explanation of how she wants it, but knows that it’s not acceptable in society for her to want it. And TBH, that’s how I always felt about “Blurred Lines.” And “Blame It on the Alcohol.” So I think that’s legit. Maybe it’s just because

People are being willfully ignorant about this song at this point. The historical context has been explained ad nauseum re: the woman wanting to stay but being unable to say so explicitly due to social norms at the time and the man trying to give her reasons to stay so as to provide her with cover. And the line