
And since we haven’t seen them doing anything since Charles’ birthday, I assumed that they had left for their honeymoon already.

Someone on the podcast described Meghan as looking “self-satisfied.” That’s exactly it. I don’t know if the speaker on the podcast meant that as a compliment or an insult. I feel like I’m being sexist by saying that she always looks kind of smug. It’s unfair to criticize what may be natural facial expressions, though.

I read/heard somewhere that Charles really wants to streamline the non-real job-having royals to him, Camilla, William, Kate, Harry and Meghan. Which is pretty much how it is now. So I guess it is through line of succession.

I more meant in the actual pictures than at the wedding itself. She seemed to have a strong support system there. And I think I was more just talking about Doria. I wish she had brought a friend or someone to the wedding, since I’m sure she couldn’t have been around Meghan the whole time. Or maybe that’s just me

Or a candy floss machine, as it were?

For some reason - maybe the lighting or make-up or whatever - Meghan looks “more” bi-racial in the color shots. The pictures make it even more clear how alone Doria was. Everyone there is Harry’s family, except Doria. God, everyone is so beautiful in those pictures.

I think if I were Harry and Meghan, or any royal, really, I’d sneak away and have the wedding that I want, and then do this whole shindig “for history.” For some reason, it occurred to me today (more than any other day) that this is show business. I don’t understand part of people’s personal excitement about this

As someone who watched the Lifetime movie, sort of watched NBC’s Harry/Meghan special last night, and checks in on a couple of blogs (and on here), I’ll be glad when this wedding is over. I’m not interested at all in the inevitable “baby bump watch,” and don’t need to see them do charity work, so I won’t feel

“That’s exactly why the princess fantasy is far from frivolous for women of color, so many of whom grew up in societies that told them they weren’t beautiful or wanted—that the happily ever after ending was not for them.”

I think it’s interesting that we haven’t heard anything at all from Meghan’s mother’s side of the family. Will any of them be at the wedding? Has the media not tried to contact any of them, or have they just been more polite and kept their collective mouths shut?

Great interview! I’m looking forward to this movie more than I am the actual wedding.

I loved when they were hiding out in Florida!

Watching any TV show is like getting involved with someone whom you know is going to leave you. Maybe NBC or TBS or will pick up the show? :(

I’m oddly not all that excited about the wedding. I’ll watch - not waking up live to see it, but recording it and fast-forwarding/watching it later. I want to see who’s there and what people are wearing. I could do without seeing them riding the carriage through town. I’m really interested in the behind-the-scenes

I read that Oprah said that the interview isn’t happening. (And I can’t imagine why O would want to interview Meghan’s mother. Meghan absolutely. But the mother?)

I’ve hit the part of the semester where I’m sick of all of my students, and college students in general, who are lazy, stupid, and unmotivated, and want to get out of academia. I saw a job in NYC that I’m not going to apply for, but I like the idea of fantasizing about another life. Can someone live in NYC with a

For some reason, this line from the Pitt/Oxman article makes me laugh: “Since last fall, Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor, 54, has been quietly dating the award-winning architectural designer, 42, after admiring a line of her 3D-printed chaise lounges at MIT...” All it takes to impress him is to make a line of

An article relying on facial expressions to determine that Meghan is happy is refuting an article about how she’s unhappy, based on anonymous “sources” and “friends.” It’s a regular Sophie’s Choice.

Huh. I didn’t know that. I guess because of people’s possible allergies?