
Like I said, I don’t know if I read that somewhere, or if that’s just what I think happens. Whether it’s true or not, I could see re-gifting them as a nice alternative. I assume that in a day of visits, Meghan/Kate/whoever must get at least 4 or 5 bouquets/bunches of flowers. By the end of a week you might have 15 or

What does Meghan - or any female royal - do with all the flowers she gets? I want to say that I’ve read that Diana or someone would give them to hospitals, but maybe I’m just making that up (and maybe that’s not what Meghan does, even if other female royals do).

Now playing

Never been married. Probably won’t ever get married. So all I can do is sing and dance along to this song in my house.

MSNBC is going to have a “hub”? I don’t much remember the coverage about Williams’ wedding, but - and I know I’m wrong about this - I can’t see how this wedding warrants American news programs/channels camping out in Windsor for much more than a day or two before the actual wedding.

Interesting. I have resting frowning/bored/bitch face most of the time. I think I’d prefer for people to always think I’m smiling than frowning. If you’re a celeb/royal, though, it’d probably come in handy.

Is there something called Resting Smiley Face? (Can I trademark RSF?) In almost every picture I see of Meghan, she’s always smiling, or half-smiling, or pursing her mouth in a weird smug smirk. Even when there’s no reason to believe that a camera is on her (although I suppose she realizes that the camera is always on

What this movie lacks in William/Kate lookalikes, I think they more than make up for in Harry/Meghan lookalikes. At least in that two-shot of them.

What happens to celebrities who can’t get work anymore? If they’re female, don’t they start lifestyle blogs? Didn’t Cameron write a book about health/beauty/something? She’s halfway there.

I was going to ask what happened to the show he was on, People of Earth, but I looked it up.

More Sade is always a good thing.

I started watching eps of Midnight, Texas yesterday, after I saw the Tweet about the Lifetime movie. Dylan Bruce seemed recognizable, but I think the only thing I would have seen him on was As the World Turns, but I don’t remember him from there. Anyway, Fiji and Bobo were a cute couple; the show was strange (and not

Not that it matters, I suppose, but I read that Eugenie got engaged before Harry, and had to change their wedding date to accommodate Harry’s/Meghan’s plans. I don’t believe much about any of them, though.

“The woman who brought the screen to life with her dynamic performance on Suits...” This is sarcasm, right? 

All the videos of their visit to Cardiff might be softening my opinion of Meghan. She seems to like talking to people, likes kids, and said that Harry was a feminist, when someone in the crowd said that they liked that she was a feminist. Harry was charming as usual. Especially in this video. To keep the main theme of

It’s interesting that the DJ thinks that any part of the wedding party and guest list demographic would be interested in hip hop. Over the past few months there have been all sorts of articles about Meghan’s level of “blackness.” A lot of the comments are in fun, I’m sure, but since she’s black, we assume that we know

Wendy Williams said that three or four years ago a woman showed up at her show’s offices wanting to be on the show to promote something or other (maybe her clothing line she did in Canada?). The woman was Meghan, and Wendy was kicking herself for not having the future HRH on her show. That doesn’t say anything bad

What I think annoys me about her says more about me than her. Even when she’s smiling it’s sort of a smug type of smile. (Which...I would be smug too, probably.) I’ve looked (hate-read, I guess) a lot the posts she wrote (I guess she wrote them) for her defunct site, The Tig. She’s all so effusive, and writes like a

I don’t like the black-and-white close-up one of them. It’s too advertise-y. “Every kiss begins with K!” And I wonder if she’s so much much formally dressed to capitalize on her “Hollywood” background? And why does their “candid” shot look so perfect?

May 19th.

I would think that people would find the off-the-shoulder style to be unsuitable.