
I don’t understand why simply “accused” isn’t correct. To me, “falsely accused” is only accurate when the accuser knows that the accusation is false. Surely the teachers/school/whoever should have realized that it wasn’t a bomb - and at some point did - but they did accuse him; he was accused.

I want to support “black shows” - both as a black person and a TV watcher. But why are they - or the acting on them - so bad? Where are all the good black actors on TV? (And why isn’t Shonda hiring any of them?) There are individual good black actors sprinkled throughout lots of shows, but why is it so hard to get a

I don’t think that athletes, especially the loser, should be expected to immediately talk about the loss. Especially a loss of this magnitude. She didn’t seem to be a sore loser to me. Just someone who was maybe mad and sad and would rather take a shower (and cry, if it were me) rather than answer stupid “How do you

Oh, I know it wasn’t a terrible call for McEnroe to make. I just felt that so many of the commentators - understandably so - seemed to take Serena’s win as inevitable. And everyone she was playing against were just some little pesky obstacle Serena had to get by. As much as I understand how Serena would get upset by

I was hoping/expecting Serena to win, but it makes me happy that Vinci won. I loved her big “What about me?” gesture after a great rally where she won the point. Her interview afterwards was charming. Her apology was funny, but completely unnecessary. I wish the commentators would give her a little more credit for the

Thanks for this. I’m not on any BC now, but have been on the pill in the past. (Ironically, just today I was thinking of how tired I am of being moody and weepy with PMS, so I was going to talk to my OB/GYN about this.) The idea of an IUD freaks me out. Reading this thread makes the IUD sound good, but makes me feel

I will take this attempt at “relatability” over Trump’s “telling it like it is” relatability any day. Dance on, Hilary!

This mode of thinking can’t possibly work on Jez and its subgroups. Certain women are supposed to be our BFFs. Certain men are supposed to be our boyfriends. And certain singers/actors are supposed to be THE BEST EVER. (I - a black woman, if that matters - don’t particularly like Beyonce. She’s a good entertainer, to

I’m probably missing the point, but I don’t see why more people aren’t angry with Alexie and the publishing industry in general. Yes, it’s a dumb thing to do to use a Chinese name when you’re not Chinese, but if his point was to “prove” that there’s some sort of bias, at least in this one incident he was right.

Every time I see media coverage of Shonda, I get irrationally angry. Her shows are AWFUL!!!!! AWFUL!!!!!!AWFUL!!!!! However, I hope her success means that she’s mentoring other women and people of color who will go on to make shows that are actually good.

Even though it’s crossed out - which, of course, is meant to draw attention to it - I hate the use of “Uncle Tom” to criticize a black person. It’s lazy, and shows a complete lack of understanding of who Uncle Tom/Josiah Henson (the actual person Stowe based UT on) actually was.

With “Person of Interest”! I know! I have all the seasons of “Elementary” DVD, so it’s not like I NEED to watch it on WGN...but I still will!

I love Lucy Liu so much! Everything about her. I love her clothes (on and off “Elementary”). I love that she’s a painter and does lots of things for charity. I love her on “Elementary.” Congrats to her!

No. No. No. Why can’t people just let her be what she is - a child?

She didn’t say “she was only going to talk to white people,” she said that if she agreed with them that it was only a “white problem,” she would end up only talking to white people (since obviously black people don’t need/want to be part of the conversation because they’re not part of the problem/situation).

That was my question. How can she Tweet from prison? Or is someone on the outside doing it for her, but using the first person?

Oh, I miss “I Survived” too! I think there’s a similar show on some channel, but it’s not the same. “I Survived” was always the scariest show, and the most life-affirming, at the same time!

I don’t like the ID channel that much, since every “new” show just seems to be a repackaging of a show that they already air. I watch “Snapped” on Oxygen, if the “story” seems interesting. I hate enduring the commercials for all the other Oxygen shows, though. I also watch “48 Hours,” which airs on CBS, ID, and OWN, I

This will come across as snarkier than I intend, but, Janet Mock is a journalist? I guess I never really understood what she did, but I don’t think I’d consider her a journalist. (Which is also why it surprised me to see her co-hosting as a stand-in for Melissa Harris Perry on MSBNC.)

“to begin”? Hasn’t the backlash started already?