
I’m so short-/high-waisted that I hate how high-waisted underwear looks on me. But if it means less or no roll-over, it’d be worth it, I think!

Thanks for the recommendation! I was thinking that briefs would be better than hipsters.

Anyone know the secret to underwear where the waistband doesn’t roll down? Is it buying the right size? A low rise? A higher rise? A wider waistband? A narrower waistband? Having a flatter stomach? Just deal with it?

I don’t see how Wallace’s statement about Bure having the support of the executives is a jab. Because Wallace didn’t saying anything Bure herself, I guess? But in any job, especially in TV, I would think, the most important thing to anyone’s success in the workplace is to have the support of the higher ups. If

How has the movie already had “recent success”? I thought it opens tomorrow?

Apropos of nothing, but I was just in Canada and caught a show called The Social, which seems to be the Canadian version of The View, except it’s not trying as hard (that’s a good thing). I liked it, and wish I could watch it in the States. (I can watch clips online, I think.) I also like The Talk, which isn’t trying

Reading hotel reviews on travel sites is awful. I ignore the positive comments and obsess over the negative ones, praying I don’t end up in one of the awful-sounding rooms. Yet another reason I hate traveling.

Two disclaimers first: one, I’m not married; and, two, I haven’t read all the posts. Having said that, it seems like a lot of people are equating “marriage is hard” with “I am not happy.” I hope/suspect that you can find marriage hard and still be happy, can’t you? Also, I hope that this thread doesn’t dissolve into a

I hate this song - these songs - and I’m tired of seeing this kid everywhere. And videos on my FB feed of other kids dancing to this song. But damn if she isn’t cute doing this.

“Women have been trained in our culture and society to ask for what we want instead of taking what we want,” she continued.

So because this scene was in the film, CG actually did rape LY? I mean, I don’t know what happened, and no one is around to say, but I don’t get the “Everybody seems to forget....” comment. What does the film have to do with real life?

What makes Clapton racist?

I’m not a big follower of comic books, but I have seen many of the Superman and Batman movies. I always just assumed that they would be/are allies in whatever “universe” all the superheroes live in. So why are they antagonists? (That’s the whole point of the movie,it seems, so I don’t think answers would be considered

I think that if male athletes thought about bodies the way that these female athletes and others seem to, they probably would.

You saw this article as being about Serena? I saw it as being about racism/sexism in tennis.

I love Hoda and KathieLee, and this is an awful idea. Why can’t Regis just stay in full-time retirement?

I watched the first episode - not as closely as I have the subsequent ones ;) - but I must have missed that moment.

Did I miss the explanation for how he got the scar on his face? Or is it a birthmark?

Thank you for confirming what I thought about the editing. The US version seems really choppy.

I wouldn’t say that I’m “proud” to be an American, because I associate pride with accomplishment, and I wasn’t responsible for where I was born. (In the same way, I’m not “proud” to be African American or female.) But I am happy to be an American.