
Isn’t this Jennifer’s second marriage? I’m not really interested in speculating about whose “fault” the divorce is, but it’s equally as likely that perhaps some of the “fault” lies with her, isn’t it? (Of course, maybe her first divorce wasn’t any of her “fault” either. Or maybe she “learned” from her first marriage.)

Sobs. I still miss Carter!! I haven’t watched Person of Interest since!

I saw this yesterday. The race issue notwithstanding, the video was very powerful, I thought.

I was just going to say that as a literature professor (and a Black person) I hate how people (mis)use the term “Uncle Tom.” Although, I don’t dislike Don Lemon as much as others seem to.

He’s so far in the future that he’s already circled around in time and is still living in 2015.

I always find it funny when people say that they’re surprised that KimK. comes across as likable. I don’t really have an opinion about her one way or the other. But I don’t think I’ve ever heard a bad thing about her. Or rather, I’ve never heard her say, or seen her do, bad things. There are no reports that I’ve seen

My lust for a “down ass white boy” has been and always will be slaked by Michael Rappaport. I first loved him in the movie “Zebrahead.” Never saw the documentary on “A Tribe Called Quest” that he produced/directed (or whatever). But he was in last season’s “Justified,” and was in “Black-ish” this year.

You forgot to add that Jack is staying in the cabin with Claire Kincaid, who faked her own death after the car accident.

I don’t think that people - men or women - should “forget about likability.” The world, your family, the workplace, the grocery store, and yourself, are better with likable people. What people shouldn’t do, however, is confuse likability with popularity (although they’re connected), with your self-worth, with not

If you think there was no outrage against that, you weren’t reading the internet.

It wasn’t/won’t be wrapped up quickly. Ron Moore said in an interview that Jamie (and Claire) will still be dealing with it next season.

I didn’t see the show as saying that it had to be a male to get that point across. Perhaps that’s what some viewers thought. I thought that was an important part of the moment because the fact speaks to who Jamie is. If he wasn’t married to Claire, I’m not sure that his response to his physiological response would

I’ve talked about this episode so much since Saturday night that I don’t really have much else to stay. The last two episodes were so difficult and heart wrenching. The performances were outstanding. I’ll miss Willie, Rupert, and Angus. I’m glad that Murtaugh is going with them to France. I wish the show would hurry

In the Diane Sawyer interview, Bruce said that he preferred the male pronoun. I haven’t seen/read where that’s changed (but will happily start using the female pronoun if Bruce has made that change as well).

Well, at least on the original shows he seemed to distance himself from all of that sort of media stuff. But maybe that was more because he had his own challenges he was dealing with. But the TV show thing is disappointing to me too. But, again, if it brings exposure and helps trans people and their friends and

I’m not sure what you’re getting at with the “nouveau riche” comment. I don’t think publicity is bad at all. The interview he did was very interesting and I’m sure helped a lot of people. VF just seems to be a strange outlet.

I don’t know why Bruce’s being on VF irritates me. To me it just seems like the attention- or publicity-mongering that he seemed to be above. Or maybe it’s just that VF seems to be a weird venue for his physical “coming out.” If furthers/improves discussion of trans issues, though, more power to him, I guess.

My love for Murtaugh was solidified in one of my favorite moments from one of my favorite (maybe THE favorite) episodes - the wedding episode, when Jamie asks Murtaugh if his mother would approve of “Mistress Beauchamp.” Murtaugh first seems irritated, asking if he seems like a gypsy. But then he gets all serious and

I just wish that I liked her shows more. They’re all either too ridiculous or too poorly written and acted, to me. But, good for her.

I liked this episode. (And since I haven’t really read the book, I’m not bothered by any pesky thoughts about whether this episode deviated from the book.) I didn’t care much about Ian last week, but I really appreciated him - and his friendship with Jamie - this week. The way that Jamie talked Ian down from what