
Also, they don’t let them brag about still fitting into children’s clothing.

Holy Krap, kalm down and unclench your everything, NPR listeners. This is hardly a serious show.

It's not even like they had her on All Things Considered, or insert your choice of highest-brow NPR programming here. They had her on a game show. These are people who clearly still believe in cooties.

Take the stick out of your butts, NPR listeners.

Come the fuck on this is the show with the screamy guy from the Police Academy movies, we can’t have one little Kardashian?


You know, I am a big public radio person. NPR all day, every day, not kidding. But I know that public radio fans are also the kind of people who send legit HATE MAIL when someone pronounces an obscure word wrong. And Wait Wait listeners tend to be especially pedantic and cranky. So this does not surprise me.

Thank you for saying that. I don’t want to diminish anyone else’s experience, but beyond occasionally popping in my head when consent questions come up, it hasn’t impacted me at all.

Honestly, I’m inclined to agree with you. I know legally I couldn’t have consented. But I think for me, personally that I went in there with that intent and never regretted should be what matters for me.

This is actually a serious question. When I was a freshman in college, circa the late 90’s I had one too many tequila shots (read: about 8 too many) in my room. I left with a guy I had been flirting with to go back to his room, with the intent to have sex. And we did.

I would really, really like to see comprehensive education on affirmative consent become part of sex education. (I would also like to see real sex education in all the states, instead of abstinence only education.)
But this is positive, this is a good start, at least. :)

but but but

“What the fuck have we been telling you?”

Oh, but in the interview outing her kid, her mom said Rachel was “Czech, Swedish, and German — including possible traces of Native American.” Yep, we got a Cherokee princess up in here.

As for Marquardt, the Etsy-selling craft queen says she hasn’t spoken to Wilkinson either, but supports Madison.

I stay completely away from organized religion of any kind. I’m Pagan, and there has been sexual abuse in Pagan groups. My gods know me personally. I speak with them personally. I don’t need an intermediary.