Gosh those family values Christians sure have morals!
Gosh those family values Christians sure have morals!
Did you change some of the products because this doesn’t look at all like what you describe. I would say you have one of the best after pictures I’ve seen in this entire series. You still look incredibly natural and fresh-faced but more polished and I say that as someone who does not even own make-up. I think you look…
But I always think doing a pretty woman would work better, since it shows, that you do have the money and that you should be treated well. With this kind of spite buys I just think it says, you dont have to treat me well.
There’s definitely a bit from “Dear White People” that talks about that (at a work computer so I can’t find it, but should be not too hard), and there’s even a podcast called The Black Guy Who Tips.
I wear MAC to work every day. Face and Body foundation is basically a tinted moisturizer and nothing like the full face look you see on most of their SAs. They have plenty of tame blushes, eyeshadows, and lipsticks to get you through the week. Renee, if MAC treats you right, by all means rock that shit Sunday to…
Man, I would /love/ to see a Mall Makeovers with nothing but non-white people who also talk about the overall experience and how they were served. The last time I got a makeover (inspired by this series, actually!) the woman doing my face contorted herself nearly into a knot trying to avoid racist language (I’m of…
I’m also so glad you brought up Vince’s movie HYDE, a supposedly AMAZING futuristic adaptation of Jekyll and Hyde about an EDM DJ who throws magic drugs at topless girls as they dance in an underground parking garage and is best friends with Calvin Harris. The concept is so bad that it’s almost genius.
Welcome back to Mall Makeovers where we send readers to, you guessed it, the mall for, you guessed it, a makeover.…
If Gucci Mane works customer service somewhere, I’ll be the first customer in line.
Nah. I get the point she’s trying to get across. A weed brain and an ice cream cone (what the actual fuck??) isn’t tacky according to Dan, but he gets to decide her daughter’s name on her neck is. Right. Got it.
I can’t tell if I’m missing something in what you’ve said or if you’re just not familiar with Gucci Mane but suffice it to say I don’t think he ever expected to work in customer service!
Jane, would it weird you out if I got the same neck tattoo?
A few weeks ago, I was refused a tattoo. At a tattoo parlor. By a tattoo artist. At 1 p.m. on a Sunday, prior to…
I think a College President has the right to call out a group on their bullshit. Doing so isn’t mutually exclusive to improving the on-campus culture. He can’t be expected to just take somebody’s bullshit and smile about it though.
Yes! I have seen red lipstick look absolutely amazing on thin lips. Just make sure it stays put with liner, powder, concealer around the edges, etc.
Welcome back to our series on the history of makeup.
He said that, but he also said otherwise.
They said something like, “He only touched them over their clothes, well, there was that other time he touched them under their clothes, but it was only for a few seconds,” as if molestation somehow scales by the minute.