
Ugh, gross. I work in this field and there does seem to be an increase in public forms of retaliation by anonymous individuals and groups. Especially over the past five or so years.

I got all mine from Payless no shit at all they’re cool

Charming Charlie! Everything in the store is by color too. I could spend ALL THE MONIES there. :)

Statement necklaces are up there with lipstick on my list of how to make a pedestrian outfit (and a makeup free face) look put together and polished. Take a plain t-shirt, throw a huge-ass necklace on it, BOOM. Meh outfit, now new and improved.

Usually they keep losers like this around for ‘drama’ and ‘ratings’.

The producers struck gold with this guy. He’ll generate some morning after copy.

“Why am I not raping you right now?”

It works best on dark and/or thick hair, so pretty much for people who want it most aka me. But I’m poor, so...

Heh, I was just posting about this. I fan myself at the very thought! I’ll pull his little periwig ponytail any day.

Holy shit I’m not the only one? **crai** I LOVE YOU SO MUCH

As a white man, I vote no, because any recognition that people who don’t look like me get means that I am diminished somehow. I’m not sure how, but it totally means that.

I mean, as long as she's not replacing Alexander "McHotsAlot" Hamilton, we're good.



The answer to this question is

Yes it is true. If you look at the pic of the author you’ll notice that the ends of her hair are much darker than the roots. Hair ends tend to be much more porous than new growth, so they suck up color. A good colorist won’t let that happen.

You must be tiny!

Once upon a time, I went to a Ja Rule and Ashanti concert. I wore my finest outfit, a red, one shoulder long sleeve crop top with flared jeans. It would’ve been perfect, except Ashanti wasn’t there. Some nonsense about a sore throat or something. Damn it Ashanti. Ja Rule could never appreciate my red one shoulder long