
I’ve heard it works best when there is a big contrast in the skin color vs hair color. So if you have dark hair and pale skin, it’ll work really well. Unfortunately i have blonde hair and fair skin so alas it will never be, I will just keep taking a razor to my face a few times a month and deal with it!

I get mine threaded once a month or so and yeah, it hurts like a mofo. I pretend I’m a spy being tortured, no joke.

I was in a car accident a few years ago and busted my face open on the steering wheel from my nose to my bottom lip. I have a scar there now that loves to grow a nice thick, dark hair right in the middle of it. I tried to tweeze it once... I’d rather walk on hot coals. Horrific.

Love Nair. The smell is not the best, but it works great on thin wispy hair. My hair is so fine that shaving doesnt get rid of the fuzz and tweezing can’t capture the whisper hairs. Nair burns the shit out of spider web hair on your face and legs.

Anybody try Vaniqa? It's kind of pricy, and you have to have a Rx, but it really does help. If your just using it on upper lip and chin areas, a little tube lasts a long time.

I tweeze my upper lip area. It’s good to do while bingeing on Netflix or something, so you can zone out and just do it. Promise it doesn’t hurt that much! Especially after the first few times.

I learned the hard way NEVER to tweez the upper lip. Good. God.

I’ve tweezed an errant upper lip hair before when it was at an awkward angle to get with the razor and no. NO. I teared up so badly. Uuuugh.


Lol I have plucked mustache hairs before and it hurts like a b*. I’d Nair it if I could, the kind they make now smells slightly less offensive, but the one time I tried it a few years ago I got a painful chemical burn.

NARS eyeshadows have been pretty hit or miss for me, but the blushes and lipsticks (Audacious and Sheer) are seriously best in class.

I think his eyeliners are pretty good (though hit or miss on the individual colors), lipsticks pretty good and consistent, and those seven pan eyeshadow palettes I’ve seen good reviews on. I don’t find the brand particularly interesting. The quality and selection of Nars lipsticks are just as good or better.

I have a slightly protruding lower lip which really highlights the thinness of my upper lip. I also spent hours trying to make it look like i had 2 full lips.

Kylie’s lips without all this aren’t so great. For thin lips, a bit of an overline would work; whatever your natural features are, you can just enhance a bit (I mean, same is true of a pushup bra).

I have thin pink lips and pale pinkish Irish complexion. My lips don’t actually disappear when I smile, but I do tend to look fairly lipless if I smile very broadly. I suspect, though, that if I tried lip contouring like above, I’d just look creepy.

I have half thin upper lips-the sides don’t exist but i have a very prominent cupid’s bow. I always try to draw on side lips but it looks fake.

The quickness in which I would mess this up renders this completely useless. There is never a time that I go out in public that I don’t eat something, and I have yet to figure out how to eat without removing everything on my lips. So I’d have contoured lips, then normal lips, then have to go to the bathroom to contour

I don’t get it. Are they supposed to look bigger? I can’t see much of a difference in size. Is there some other, new way in which my mouth is inadequate? I feel so behind the times.

As a longtime married, who would marry my husband all over again, I’ve learned something really important:

One of my favorite Mall Makeover write-ups so far! I think you look beautiful both before and after, but I definitely miss the freckles in the after!