
Trudeau and the rest of the government officials that are unwilling to speak with the protesters are only deepening the divide. Instead of us hating on each side why are we not listening to each other and finding compromises? It’s easy for any of us to share our perspective, but we don’t know all the details. We only

No one said their tourists. Their form of protest is not considered acceptable because it doesn’t follow the acceptable narrative of the ruling party and their media cronies.

Hmmm, lose what? What are we trying to win here?

Gee, I wonder who is credible in your eyes.

Regarding the Freedom Convoy, I suggest taking a look at this article:

I’ll just leave this here for anybody that is interested. There is more to this protest than what certain media outlets want you to believe.

The Root is completely off on this since they can’t ever support Chapelle. The affordable houses were going to be $300,000 homes. That may sound affordable in San Fran, NYC, and Cali. But for middle America thats higher-end middle class housing. Affordable housing in small town USA is south of $200,000.

Isn’t that the same view of both sides. If you were a true fan of protesting for rights you should be applauding the peaceful manner of these protests that are not damaging property or hurting anyone physically. However, what is being done by those that disagree with this protest is name-calling and ignorance to

Light! Whether it’s a flashlight or worklight the secondary tool to whatever tool you are using is always light to see what you are doing. I’ve had simple projects that I couldn’t complete until I had light.

I’m going to add a plea for the Volcano Burrito as well.

Like any causes that mature into a protest, I’m sure there are good intentions. However, the good intentions are overlooked by the few that stand with the movement that do not fully represent the message attempting to be sent. Thus, any side of the issue can poke holes in what is taking place. We see this with any

I’m glad they were able to find a way to make the repairs. The problem still is how do you make the ship and surroundings economically viable. I remember as a child visiting the site. In fact, I had a caricature drawn on deck that my parents framed for me a couple of years ago.

The Fuel Pacer light seems so much like the warnings on a pack of cigarettes. It’s there to say they care, although for Big Tobacco it’s mandated, and users tune it out.

Kill the one-eyed, one-horned, Purple People Eater and use its hide to adorn the walls of this 70's Purple Pedo Patroller.

That’s the way Iowa’s blackout plates are and they have become extremely popular in the state.  A simple black and white plate in Iowa started out as a Dartmouth College speciality plate, but due to an increased interest in Dartmouth (for their plate) the state decided to make the black and white plate a regular

I look forward to this piece being added to a Lego version of the Solar System next. Because once you buy it then it’s your pink flower piece that can be used for the core of such planets as Earth, Neptune, and your... other planets.

My buddy has an ex-wife that’s a loose nut.  The indicators were a little different.

I love that you took initiative to bring this thing back to life. I pass a drum set sitting outside the back of a mobile home in a trailer park on my way to work. It’s been there since at least Spring of this last year. I have wanted to stop by and ask if I could buy it or take it off their hands since my autisitic

How about this beauty? Courtesy of

Fellow Iowan here, we once had a campground near my hometown that had about five cabooses placed throughout the grounds that you could rent out and stay in like this. This is a great use of these surviving relics of a bygone era, before the electronic flashing box at the end of the train took its place.