
Dumping of two of its heroes’ major love interests in this way indicates that Marvel considers many of its female leads rather disposable, which isn’t great.

I’ll believe the hate when I see it. That smear post stinks of “White, male lead = bad” rhetoric.

The plot hole: The LMD alarm identified four LMD. There were only 4 people on that security footage, including Skye. Thus, who tge hell was the 4th positive? It can’t be Fitz, he wasn’t on that footage. I kept expecting a reveal, and it never came.

You know when I read the article, I didn’t bother to look at the byline. Reading your comment I went to myself, “Katherine wrote this, didn’t she?”

She was distracted because she was elbow-deep in another article detailing how much she hates stuff like Fantastic Beasts and Dr. Strange.

Jimmy’s been absent, and frankly the show’s been better because of it...

Dear io9,

Few things...

If we’re using the real fight world as a guide, then every single one of the grown men of the Batfamily would hand Cassandra her lunch. No amount of technique makes up for a 100 lb weight disadvantage in an even fight.

Because Disney didn’t pay Lucas four billion with a B dollars in order to make up new characters for movies. They could have made their own star adventure franchise without paying anyone a dime for the rights. Why pay so much money? Because the brand names ARE the value and Han Solo is one of the most valuable.

Unlike seemingly everyone else here, I loved the Kara/Mon-El stuff. Both are charming, adorable idiots.

Okay. Let’s get this out:

Go. Fuck. Yourself. Something fierce, preferably. If you want to be some fucking social justice warrior, pick a Trump tweet. ANY tweet. Bitch about it some, and you’d more or less be in the right. But moaning about a LITERALLY non-existent issue for the sake of your social justice

Nothing. I feel nothing. Fuck you.

It appealed to 35 year old men as well. My group of friends really liked it. The only person I know who complained about it was my 69 year old father.

AoS is one of the best comic shows out right now dude. Has been for 2-3 seasons...this coming from a major DC fan.

Been carrying that torch for 20 years, huh?

Unless that “only okay” trailer is for Wonder Woman, in which case we all have to pretend that it’s the best thing ever.

I didn’t either, I thought both trailors were good and have me excited for the series.

Its also because some are still bitching about cultural appropriation and wanting to cast Danny Rand as an Asian.

That’s because you are not tapped into the Great Hive of Internet. I’m not either. The trailer was fine. This trailer was fine too.