
I think Luke Cage had more flaws than that–how interesting is an indestructible character? As a secondary character, he’s perfect. Comes in, does something, leaves. But as a Superman level character the most dangerous situation is entirely mediocre. We’re just watching him thump around and win the day.

They will never not be upset he’s white. After we exchange nuclear weapons with Australia in 2019, the only thing left on the planet will be roaches eating Twinkies and posts outraged Danny Rand is white.

We get it, you’re a SJW nut that wants your peers to praise you for how much of a warrior for justice you are even though you don’t believe or even understand anything you say like most SJW.

Still upset that he’s white?

Ah look, another thing related to Stranger Things that is unoriginal, a reference. So sick of reference pop. But this is the world we live in I guess. Hey, I ate Eggo waffles! Hey, I liked Ghostbuster and Alien and Close Encounters! Hey, those 80s kid pastiches remind me of other things I like! Hey that thing I like

Yes, let the troll flow through you.

I’m done hearing the “Danny Rand as a white guy is racist” argument. The far more important aspect of Danny’s adventures is his friendship with Luke. They were the first white/black partnership in comic books. That’s really important.

You’re comparing Hollywood casting with slave emancipation.

Of course. This generation of Americans are a bunch of whiners.

The only country that seems to have a problem with the casting is the USA. Or rather, a group of SJWs in the USA. Every time I’ve read an interview from other countries about white washing rolls in movies, the reply is apathetic. Big name leads draw big box office which equals big budgets to make these effects laden

Cannot disagree more. I’ve bloody loved the LMD plotline - the last three episodes have solidified it, for me, as the best comic show on TV right now. Although, I am fully up to date I don’t particularly remember the show being dull out of the gate in the second half.

they got the casting perfect? an anorexic  tiny lady to play a thick muscle bound beautiful amazonian goddess?

They were boring and tedious by any objective critical standard. Like watching paint dry.

The last two books were dreadful, and it took him the better part of a decade to write them. (And they were originally supposed to be just one novel.)

We’re not getting the end of this series in book form. Considering how awful the last two volumes were, that might be just fine.

“the film was enjoyable even with the stereotype of having an Asian character know martial arts.”

Brits have played Superman, Batman and The Man From Uncle. they can give up on this, now.

Honestly can’t blame CBS for this one. This clearly was more than your typical “fan film” given the near-Hollywood level production values, real paid actors, and for profit production studio setup. The Axanar team seemed to be setting up a rival Star Trek production studio that may put out better stuff than CBS

Agreed. Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl are all about 30% pure awesomeness that I love, and 70% bullshit that I can’t stand. They push that balance even a little bit in favor of bullshit and I won’t be able to stand it anymore. I just have to pray that the person in charge of picking the music happens to have the same tastes that I do?