
But...Last Jedi was all about leaving the past behind and moving forwards! It was a perfect movie! Of course there’s stuff to look forward to! Like how the Rebels will defeat the Empire now that 98% of their staff is dead or if Rey can become the greatest Jedi Master ever in a week since she’s a girl and there have

I’m not afraid to use sexist language. Other than that did you find any other part of my argument to be sexist? I repeat: she makes constant mistakes and never self reflects and changes. This implies she is not changing and developing but it’s on us to adapt to her. Shes perfect because she’s a non-white nonmale in a

Don’t let the SJWs catch you calling Michelle an arrogant bitch. They will ban you from Kinja. That is almost as bad as calling her a magical Mary Sue that can communicate across space time and defeat 400lb male Klingon warriors in hand to had combat and constantly being told she is the smartest person in the room

Heh, just because Trish has a gun doesn’t make her anything like the Punisher. I get it, guns trigger you guys.

Yeah! Who wants a show about people on a space station?

Add to the fact she is a magical SJW and her entire actions were irrelevant. The Klingons wanted war no matter what. Shooting first would have changed nothing. She got her captain and a lot of the crew killed for nothing. If she would have fired first and not waited for backup, it would have been even worse as the

How about, as a more traditional Trek touch, it actually gets broadcast instead of being limited to their shitty streaming service?

TOS uniforms or GTFO

Mike Colter is just as guilty of wooden, stilted acting and yet luke cage is celebrated here as a triumph. Io9 critiques content 100% based on it’s politics, not on it’s substance.

I actually liked the original movie more than any of the TV shows.

I’m with you. Luke Cage was painful to watch after the death of Cottonmouth. But, it ticked a lot of the social justice boxes so some people were going to like it regardless.

Jeeeesus. We get it. You don’t like that Danny is white.

You know what greatly helped my watching of this?

Skipping the Major Kira episodes.

I feel like people are just looking for reasons to hate this movie.

Now playing

If by grave error you mean this scene from the last episode...

Additionally, I would offer one last thing: It’s important, VERY important to remember that as a GM, you are not the enemy of the players. You are working with them to have a good time and tell a good story. One of my biggest mistakes as young GM was to try to go out of my way to thwart the players and always have

Lots of what makes Han Solo so great is his mysterious past and all these events just being hinted at. Now we’re going to actually see them, and as exciting as that is as a fan, you also don’t want the character to be demystified.

In case anybody else wants the fantastic version of Ravel’s Bolero from tonight’s episode, as there’s been no official release, I made an audio rip from my DVR recording of the episode. It’s not polished in the slightest (I’ll hopefully clean it up over the next few days), but it’s still damn good. Enjoy! https://drive

certainly waaaay better then that hs musical wannabe bs we got from the flash yesterday

I would’ve preferred Black Widow being Marvel’s James Bond Movie.