
More gender swapping! Joy!

I don’t know about that. I love Dune. As far as I am concerned the first book is the best sci fi book I’ve read. I haaaaaated that movie. The voiceover, the ponderously slow pace, the simplification of every theme in the book, and just gawd awful acting. I liked the shitty sci fi series better than the David Lynch

Go trim your hipster beard.

Oh no. Did this movie upset your precious feelings? Because Japanese themselves, the creators of the original and the whole world is pretty much happy with this. Glad you got your 15 minutes though. Surely you will sleep better tonight.

We all know that sexual violence in media is only problematic if it happens to women.

cutting off a man’s penis - Entertaining!

But those old white men matter just as much as you or I or Hispanics...

yet another Potterverse movie where the star is a white guy.

The hell you’re doing in Jez in the first place? That is internet version of picking your own nose for blood.

No, the Japanese don’t care because no country besides the US would. PC culture has gotten out of control, and it is our chief export. The idea that you can just plug an actor of a specific ethnicity into a role with no regards to talent, schedule, etc. is madness.

“Kudos to Hall for at least negotiating for a slightly better end.”

Sadly, they’ve toned down the tits over the past couple of years though.

I don’t care what anyone says: the SciFi miniseries was exceptional and remains the only Dune movie I’ll acknowledge, Patrick Stewart or no.

Truth is I thought the SciFi miniseries was pretty damn good. Maybe too cheap looking to be definitive but it was faithful and the performances were solid.

Legitimate grievance post from journalists who do not wish to see their stories silenced because they make some people unhappy.

That’s not a counterpoint to anything.

I’m saying they should have changed the origin.

Oh good, I thought this article was just gonna be more bitching about how his race is accurate.