
Green Lantern is a better movie than both Suicide Squad and BvS.

His name is “Metallo.”
That’s why.

God, she’s such a dumb character. She’s like the scribbles in a middle schooler’s notebook when they got upset with one of their Avenger’s comics. I don’t get the popularity.

Wow, all of that is taken out of context. I mean, I could complain about the same shit in Buffy the same way (“In Season 2, Buffy mopes about her boyfriend being evil every single episode in the second half.”). And yet, those seasons of AOS were good.

You have yet to see Agents of SHIELD Season 4, so I have no idea how you would know how long this storyline lasts. It may last exactly three episodes. Hell, Chloe just said that she didn’t think it was going to last long.

Trendacosta really is a joyless hack prone to writing hyperbolic articles that barely contain her hatred for all things ‘men.’

This is obviously not filmed in California.

Could we start getting the opinion of someone who doesn’t hate almost literally every thing she watches, io9? It’s fucking depressing as fuck.

Sure, I don’t think it’s a bad thing since I want more Marvel tv shows as much as anyone. I’m not thrilled that we have to wait til 2018 for Jessica Jones season 2, and of course, the inevitable cancellation of Agents of SHIELD, now that they moved it and took away the mid-season Agent Carter support. AoS ratings will

Damn. This is really awesome news and I absolutely love the Runaways, but even this is not enough to make me pay for a streaming service which will show me ads even after I’ve given them my money.

Shippers need to stfu and slow their roles this week.


Kylo Ren reflects the scourge of millenialism - pissed off with no good reason, can’t strike a shadow on his forbears’ accomplishments. In other words - emo wimp. Darth Vader was the single biggest badass in all of movie history . This obvious successor was anything but. James Earl Jones guffaws at the new “episodes”.

Hufflepuffs are the people who vote for Jill Stein. Fuck Hufflepuff.

He’s just a Snyder Troll, arguing with him is like arguing with a wall. He’s not interested in discussion, he’s interested in being right.

Yttrium is a Snyder troll, I recommend dismissing him because trying to have a conversation with him is like talking to a wall.

Oh WB understands how Joker/Harley relationship should be, they’re just scared of the backlash they’d get for accurately portraying it. It’s funny in animated stuff to see the Joker be sadistic and violent towards Harley. It hits closer to home for people who have been in abusive relationships when it’s in live

Less Forest Whitaker please

Huh, you usually don't see a Frenchie collapse like that without a German being nearby.

oh jesus, shut yer piehole