
But...but.... The movie doesn't advance my social agenda! How can I review something well if it doesn't advance my social agenda!?!

Same reason men do: because it’s equality.

Why do men have to be kicked in the nuts for laughs?

Just so all the Jezzers are clear - Ghostbusters is good because women and Suicide is Squad is bad because Jared Leto (man). Got it? Great!

Really? I thought the opposite; he was great in season 1, but arguably the weakest part of season 2. He just kept whining and complaining all the time. I much preferred the fun Foggy from season 1 who kept trying to help people, rather than the season 2 Foggy that kept trying to stop others from doing the exact same.

Yeah I hit “publish” and thought “...I’m sure 75 people just told him the same thing.”

Can’t do the Orson Scott Card book. I was a huge fan in the 80s and 90s, back since his Omni days, and I still love a lot of his work. But his own beliefs started showing up more clearly in the later books in the Ender’s Shadow series and in books since and no. Just no.

Get that “n” onto “Easter” hurry up ;)

You’re putting a lot of effort into being offended.

Babylon 5 wasn’t great? Are you delusional?

Would you like to cite any sources on those corruption claims?

Amy Acker will guest star in the show...

the prequels were so bad that an okay move like TFA got overrated...

I love The Dark World! It’s a great movie.

Does your scale start at 7 like most video game reviewers?

The war is inevitable.

Yeah, the takeaway from this article is ‘Most Americans have no business controlling the futures of the next generation’

Most Americans are idiots...and they turn the stupid up to 13 when they’re afraid.

As I never tire of mentioning, the Excelsior design was HATED in 1984.

Everyone wants Emily Blunt for everything. I'm admittedly not as impressed with her.