
As ridiculous as it is to point out logical fallacies to trolls in the greys...I’m the Professor of this course. Staying home is not an option for me. I am vaccinated (hence the “Pfizer take the wheel” comment) but this situation...face to face with at least 200 unvaxxed students, many of whom will not be wearing

and out comes the “ B-b-b-b- but its because blacks and Hispanics aren’t gettin’ their shots.”

but a long date with Long Covid might wake her and her audience up...

Guys I’m losing it. I’m just done. What little patience I had is burnt out. I am terrified one of these anti-maskers or whatever is going to get in my face and I’m just gonna snap and curb stomp them. This pandemic is ruining my life, my family’s life, all our lives, and it’s their fault. For the most stupid fucking

I’m sorry, I confused Dan Patrick with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (an Abbott ally, though they don’t seem to like each other very much), who has been using his office to delay his trial since 2020:

If there was something like karmic justice, Laura Ingraham would get covid and die alone.

In looking at the individual states’ results, two states that leap out at you (well, three if you count Flordia) are Mississippi and Louisiana. The infection, hospitalization and death rates are astounding. Now, to be fair, these are also states with a high rate of poverty. But you know what other state usually has a

That will never happen, because ammosexuals are the biggest fucking cowards & hypocrites out there.

I keep waiting for those gun jerkers to stand up to the government.

You know those second amendment freaks don’t think it applies to black people. Rights only apply to them. 

While you are 100% correct..

For. The. Last. Time. For the people in the cheap seats.

Wypipo: “Government needs to stay out of our business. We have the 2nd Amendment to protect us from tyrannical government overreach.”

Dear Black People, Please remember to always carry State I.D. when you are relaxing on your own property. Thank you. Signed, The Police State

Because he is not obliged to do so, period. This is not simply about getting the cops to GTFO. It’s also about teaching cops that they need to do their jobs correctly and not be lazy SOBs who think all Black people are interchangeable. Until people push back, there will be no change.

Fuck you. That is not how the 4th amendment works. Besides, give them an inch and they will take a mile.

F$@K YOU to all the people that whine “He should have just shown His ID” we do not live in a police state( yet) when a person is relaxing in their yard and anyone can just come up and say I want to see your ID. That is NOT acceptable! His children learned a lesson. And another Fu@k you to the people who dont

I totally wonder if there has been an uptick in sightings/visits since Trump took office? Like, even they can’t believe the shit that is happening and need to come in for a closer look.

It’s bad

I can not with the mouth sounds in that video.