Maisha Grinn

Pure Blood” sounds more appropriate name for a German car - from the 1930s!

60 years ago we watched as a number of established car makers went away forever. We are now in the first stage of the accelerating mass extinction of the entire gasoline powered automobile industry and all its parts. Wall Street woke up to that this year, realizing that Tesla was no falling star. (written on 2/4/2020

File under “Superior German Engineering”.

I just tried. “Not Available”.

Just made a brief visit to that place. Sad discussion about making wine from tears. My heart was breaking. I had to get out of there.

Lots of people a pretty psyched about being “smarter than Elon Musk” after the Cybertruck reveal. (They should enjoy the feeling while it lasts, but brace for the snapback when it bites them in the ass (once again).) Apparently, each way that the truck looks weird is the result of rethinking the “normal” thing. Trucks

Within 50 miles of La Jolla, I see that Nissan has a 40kW at $32K, next cheapest is a 62kW at $37.5K both have cloth seats. There’s a 4okW with leather for $37.5K. For the slight price difference, somebody would give up a lot of value (and safety) by choosing the Nissan over the Tesla. 

Are there still people out there who actually care about price? Surely, you jest!

Fix the headline: Base model price $190,900. Thanks!

$190,900 will get you a base Porsche Taycan which will never have problems like “getting stuck at a Supercharger”. Time to upgrade!

David Koch died, so you can stop carrying his water.

Let’s be clear: This is a rendering of a feature in a rendering of a car. But in practice, should it ever actually occur, this will be a much more efficient method of foot amputation than Tesla passengers currently enjoy - what with their extra distance from sole to roadway and armor plated battery

Occam’s razor: booby trapped.

You’ve been punked.

More so every day. I call it The Awakening.

Why doesn’t GA just have the same tax as Montana. I thought GA was a Conservative “less government” kind of state. This article makes GA look more like California or New York. Is the whole GA is a Conservative less government low tax state a big fat lie? (Do’t bother answering, it’s a rhetorical question.) I’ve been

20 years? Please follow up with the actual sentence this creep receives.

Lee “Stinger” Stange

Tesla cars are a system of cars and charging infrastructure. The misunderstanding of that fundamental fact makes you look stupid.