
And Mother. Mike can't interrupt the gyecological exam of a woman he's not married to unless his wife's there, too.

But do college-age right-wingers fall for that? Do they just assume that anyone their age is speaking the truth? Or is it a misguided attempt by older conservatives to appear hip? ("This is the kind of spokesman the kids are looking for nowadays!")

Did Chelsea call her on it? Or did she let this slide by?

I thought her target demographic was white, heterosexual males age 50 and older.

Based on a story by John Barron.

William Henry Harrison was at least as grotesque six months after he was sworn in.

She's a Renaissance 8, at best.

No pickle! No pickle! You're the pickle!

I think Xanderpuss has cornered the market on gifs showing Trump with something across his backside.

When the CBO scored their ACA repeal, they found that over time, costs for long-term care would go down because people would end up dying much more quickly after repeal. That ended up being of the benefits of repealing the ACA as far as the GOP were concerned.

Oh, come on! How bad could a vice-president who openly admires Dick Cheney's tenure in the same role be?

Wasn't this also tied into Trump getting funding for his wall? I think that the spending bill needed to pass so they could allocate money for the wall.

What's going to do? Give the state back to Russia?

I thought Trump made the yellow one transform into a Russian prostitute.

President Charlie Manson would cut taxes, but only if you could get him to listen to the first track of The Beatles' Revolver.

Log Cabin Republicans are among the most delusional people out there. Of course, most of them are like Caitlyn Jenner- they are rich and, as long as they get their tax breaks, they can't find it in themselves to get truly motivated to fight for the rights of the LGBTQ community.

It was also done with the idea of having Democratic politicians from the more red-leaning states take a stand that would surely be unpopular with their constituencies.

Sen. Farenthold to Sen. Collins: "If you were a man, I'd challenge you to a duel."
Sen. Collins to Sen, Farenthold: "If you were a man, I'd accept."

Only 85% of the time? That makes her more of a maverick than John McCain (who votes party line 90% of the time).

I bought "Loveless" when it first came out. By the time "mbv" was released, I was 21 years older, and, quite literally, a different person. It didn't have the same magic for me as their older releases.