
"Electric Love" from the Bob's Burgers Soundtrack.

The Rolling Stone Temple Pilots

Oh, you youngsters with your Dawes! When I started on this board, we only had "Lisa needs braces", and we liked it that way!

Yes, but do they have the massive tax breaks for millionaires that we exchanged our middling health care for?

The younger son of a friend of mine from high school had a stroke while he was still in utero. As a result, he was born with physical and learning disabilities, and requires special aides in school.

"Of course you can …. unless they're Muslims, or Latino, or Asian or Black or Women, or poor, or basically anyone who isn't a white, European Christian. That would be offensive"

It's just as maddeningly convenient that whenever one of these guys wants to run for President or some other high office, they always pray to God for advice first, and God tells them to go for it. Has any of them ever been told to forget it?

The constitution is an archaic document that makes the President's job harder. We need to just do away with it.

Well, they weren't on their way out until they started eating McDs and Applebees regularly.

But I never miss an issue of "Cool & Young" magazine!

I was hoping for the Pecan Sandies.

You need to smize, even when your heart is breaking.

What? No love for 1st & 10?

IIRC, that was the demo disc that had a Resident Evil save that gave you a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo.

lol, wtf is netflix?

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Washington to be born?

Subscribe to Starz for this show, stay for Spartacus.

I don't think it's ego- it's insecurity. He needs his safe space with tons of people cheering for him to make him feel good. Remember- he said he was upset when the newspapers weren't automatically on his side after he won the election. He's too needy.

Hey- in his latest interview, Trump called the Constitution "archaic" and said it's a bad thing. Apparently, he's really upset about that whole "separation of powers" thing.

Yes- Who is on first.