She's my favorite author.
She's my favorite author.
I don;t know- Alexandra D'Addario and Crispin Glover? That's some creative casting right there.
Shirley Jackson's my favorite author, so seeing her work adapted poorly makes my very upset. I think Wise's version is one of the scariest movies ever- you really don't see anything, the sound design really sells the horror.
Deezer? I hardly know 'er!
It certainly sums up the Bible pretty well- "In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth. And then the murders began."
For the same reason all Muslims must publicly apologize for extremist act committed by a Muslim, but white people can pretty much just keep silent every time a Caucasian shoots up an elementary school.
Just as long as they don't nominate Jimmy Savile.
The Rolling Stones never had their own weekly summer-replacement TV show.
*rim shot*
Perhaps "Old White Republican guy" would be more accurate?
He only renounced his right-wing racism when it looked as if Hillary was going to win the election. As soon as Trump won, it was business as usual.
"Ivanka is just a friend with benefits."
Although, Trump properties are decorated in much the same way an incestuous hillbilly who won the lottery would decorate.
You joke, but my extremely health-conscious, extremely conservative sister and brother-in-law never ate fast food until they found about Chick-Fil-A's owner. Since then, they go there at least twice a week.
The Adventures of Beans Baxter
"Is our children learning?"
So is Trump, so that they've got that in common.
Giles Martin's really been doing a great job with the remixes, especially the 5.1 versions. Although Sgt. Pepper is nowhere near my favorite Beatles album, I'm really looking forward to hearing the Blu-Ray version.