They can have someone else play her, but she's always standing behind a fence, so all you see is the top of her head, like Wilson in Home Improvement.
They can have someone else play her, but she's always standing behind a fence, so all you see is the top of her head, like Wilson in Home Improvement.
It is a measure of how far the country's Overton window has shifted to the right over the last few years that Megyn Kelly NBC has now been sorted into its liberal sector.
For me, she made the hall of fame with "Pepper spray is basically just a vegetable."
The Russians hacked both the Democratic and Republican parties, but only released dirt on the Democrats. They're holding onto the Republican dirt for the time being. Who knows what they found out about Ryan or McConnell, or Ted Cruz?
I had no words. I certainly didn't laugh- it was to depressing.
He'll be content to let everyone else do the heavy lifting as long as he can take credit for the successes (and point his stubby little fingers at random people to blame for failures.)
Trump supporters have a remarkable ability to see in Trump whatever they want to see. I had one Trump supporter tell me with a straight face that Trump is a humble, Godly man who never fails to learn from and repent his mistakes. Another told me that Trump is universally recognized as one of the greatest (if not…
As long as Putin keeps supplying him with stolen intel on the Democrats, he can get as nasty as he wants.
The only way Trump will lose voters in 2020 is if all those people who kept saying "I know Trump and the Republicans kept saying they were going to do away with Obamacare, Medicare, Social Security, etc, but I thought they were really only going to cut them for other people. I thought they would let me keep mine."…
How sad is it that in the Trump/Pence administration, Trump is the one with the charisma?
Hacking elections is only an issue when your guy is being hacked.
Also- raising taxes, and working with the Democrats. He was a RINO!
Actually, the longest-lived President was Ford, although Bush I and Carter are catching up. Carter is currently the ex-President who lived the longest amount of time after leaving office (nearly 36 years, so far.)
But Pence's politics align more closely with the majority of the GOP. Allegedly, Trump is against "reforming" Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. You know Pence is in total agreement with Paul Ryan about getting rid of all of that.
We would have also accepted "B'oh!"
No- he'll just hold another luncheon where he only drops by long enough to take a group photo with them, and guarantee himself a few more months of fawning and shallow coverage.
He is pretty… dare I say it>… yuuuge.
You guessed it…
He's also said that's he never asked God to forgive his sins, because he's never done anything that needed forgiving.
What are Chilliwack and Triumph doing these days?