Truckers find a consistent speed going through any traffic to avoid stopping and starting. They use hazards when idiots in cars start to play games on wet roads to alert other truckers about the squids.
Truckers find a consistent speed going through any traffic to avoid stopping and starting. They use hazards when idiots in cars start to play games on wet roads to alert other truckers about the squids.
The target dipshits in Florida are the folks who have shitty lane discipline, speed unsafely when dry & turn on the hazards when it rains, abruptly slowing from 85mph to 5mph in the left lane nearly/or causing accidents.
As an owner of #1 in the past, it was nice to think it’s still kinda cool. I know it was when it was new.
A car has to have wicked power to back up the sinister black look. Otherwise, it is just a poser-mobile.
The CPS system isn’t always the island of safety it’s made out to be. There are good chances that a child removed for alleged abuse will actually end up in foster care where real, actual abuse occurs.
Dude! You could have at least tried to unload the Jeep on the guy. Other than you, he could have been the only person who would pay actual money for it!
High fiving the monkey.
I doubt clean 928S are going to get cheaper over the years. Manual. NP.
If you don’t mind being a redneck gourmet, bait stores sometimes carry live shrimp and some times during the year those suckers get big. Live, fresh shrimp tastes better than previously frozen anyday.
Watch a couple of videos of that washer model and try fixing it yourself. Amazon the parts to your house and save $$ and aggravation. They are not complicated machines.
Well, if those things didn’t have any meaning, I could see traffickers using them that way now after you explained how using them could work.
It’s like looking at one of my Mom’s 1984 Plymouth Horizon’s parents.
You’d think the Saudis could have pointed that out.
It would be perfect as a movie set car for late ‘80s films. Somebody’s Mom picked them up in a similar K-car (maybe not turbo) in that era.
Buy a new AMC 401 long block, pre-run and broken in for $1,995. (Install it and enjoy the Golden Eagle. Or come up with 25 $100 “fixes” for the next year.
As a Chef and lover of tacos, I’d expect you to be able to locate said taco truck behind your home by mere smell alone. For shame.
Tuna cans?
You can’t roll own the back windows, but you can have a private cigarette lighter and ashtray. Open the vent window a little and smoke if you got ‘em..
Can I say the one with a bunch of new parts on it instead of the car with old original parts and no warranty?