Mr. Van

Viewed left to right:         -$ < +$$$

Autocorrect: “lol” to “fuck you”

Amazon Wellness Plan: You can shit when I damn well tell you to.

I think that list sums it up nicely.

What state has the most insurance claims on bent rims and suspension parts?

Overweight heavy trucks are what damage roads (Tractor-trailers). Cars & truck weight effects are negligible. The problems sometimes is the states don’t want to/can’t afford to build a thicker roadway to handle the loads. So, they build one 3/4 of the required thickness and assume a overweight truck will never pass

We have a rail bridge in my hometown that peels off the roof of any semi truck dumb enough to drive under it. I sure wish they would install similar cameras on site to record the carnage. Live cameras on Smuggler’s Notch to catch stupid semi drivers would be cool too.

You should get a couple of guys to straighten them out, if you know what I mean.

How would WAYMO do against a painting of a tunnel on a wall a la Looney Toons?

When DARPA has AI tanks in the street, we’ll battle them with CONES!!!!

Yes, some other country’s military.

But you know they will pay their innocents baby’s legal fees.

You mean his parents. That level of entitlement is caused by rich parents.

I don’t care if he was born here or not, but he should deported to wherever his gene pool came from. He can be a douchebag and have his fancy ass chauffeured around by Tesla autopilot there.

I’ve never seen a 1965 Buick Riviera with the hideaway headlights in person. Just the fixed light version.

And I’d like to congratulate YOU on your lack of humor. You must be fun at parties.

An old contractor in Florida has a black Cayenne Turbo S with over 500,000 miles on it. Original engine and auto trans.

That’s how she treats her kids and Mother. I guess it works.

The US is always 7 meals away from total anarchy.

They also make fertilizer after you fill them up for free in a park.