Shit, that’s every car that every kid had in VT. AC was for flatlanders.
Shit, that’s every car that every kid had in VT. AC was for flatlanders.
You could have the nanny state handle it. Everyone would be limited to 50cc scooters encased in an inflatable hamster ball for safety because “you don’t need anything that goes more than 35mph on two wheels”. Or you can pass on the scam.
He should have ditched the mouse turd experiment at a Wal-mart and done you a solid.
David Tracy would pass due to lack of rust and high costs ($1700). If it was rustier and located at the opposite end of the country, he would greedily buy it for $500 and spend $2400 to get it home.
Going out on limb here - You seem to have issues with cis and/or white and/or men.
Religious people can also be shitty people.
Now I know which vehicle Tesla used to study panel gaps. The door sags even when it’s shut. 90's GM convertibles aren’t known for their rigidity. Interior probably smells like Ben-Gay and Aqua Velva. ND
They could save a fortune with urine and/or vomit scented cleaning products.
Nah, I like way better.
Oh Tabernac!
NASCAR should realize that the subset of people who love NASCAR does not intersect much with the subset of people who love Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh.
For such a ridiculous contraption with AC and tunes, it actually does a decent job mowing the acreage. NP.
It’s refreshing to read a story about a salesman fucking the manufacturer instead of the customer for a change.
She left her shit on the sidewalk. Cities will DNA test and issue fines to the owner for dog poop.
Babe magnet.
When you have three engines, you need extra instrumentation.
Keep the incentives for EV purchase. Apply tariffs on EVs imported from Mexico and Canada.
I would be curious as to the price on one shingle panel. Repair cost from a falling tree, hail, etc could be way higher than asphalt.
Scott Disick is still walking around.
If you meet someone drinking in a bar, I think you can reasonably assume that they are 21, since the bar should be checking ID to avoid serving minors. If they say they are 18 and you don’t view their ID? YMMV.