Mr. Van

Most people that have them here have sturdy, thick panels that sit on or above the roof. It is very sunny where I live and 1/2 my roof would be constant sun all day, so I have thought about it. I’ll need a new roof in about 10 years, so hopefully the tech gets better and price comes down by then.

I live in SE FL. Everything here has to be built to 150 mph wind load standards. I think asphalt shingles are considered “sacrificial” in that standard as long as the roof stays on. Tesla solar shingles are a little pricey to be disposable to me. 

Does peeing outside my tent site count?

Well, you’re the expert, King Edgelord.

Get back in your Versa. Nobody told you to stop.

Most crossovers are bought by ‘Karens’ who want to ‘see over everybody’.

I don’t care how much it costs, it’s ugly as sin in real life. That’s the Barbara Streisand good 3/4 side shot.

In the “contamination” room.

GM is free to build in Canada and Mexico. Americans are free to not buy GM products.

I had it’s bastard cousin: A 1978? Pontiac Astre “shooting brake” with a 4 speed.

Better than “domestic” manufacturers building plants in Canada and Mexico. Thanks Clinton.

Tank God they didn’t have young kids or a dog in back, too.

Q: What is certain death?

I don’t mean this as an insult. I think you should talk to someone, anybody.

What if you are one the 7 billion who you want to die. People like you never volunteer for the cull.

You would be able to tell by the oil on the ground from the 71 series engine.

Best non-click-bait title: Tesla submits documentation to EPA. EPA ‘loses’ documentation. EPA scrutinizes Tesla for non compliance with EPA regulations.

Where will they move to next after they turn FL into a copy of high-tax NE States they fled? It already happened in VT. Could be yours next.

So... what people are already doing?

That place rocks!