A block coefficient of 1.
A block coefficient of 1.
Now do a story on why NYC reeks of hot piss in the summer.
Left and right turns.
Rednecks have been doing this shit for, like, 30 years.
Son of a plumber. Strongly disagree.
That’s a plow truck if I ever saw one.
I love a chewy molasses cookie, which apparently doesn’t even rate.
Yeah but, can I fit a sheet of plywood in the bed? By the way, it’s ugly and stupid looking.
This was at our Dream Machine briefly, but it sucked so bad they took it out. Dragon’s Lair took many of my quarters, as well as Gauntlet. “Valkerye needs food!”
If I was to take my pregnant 15 year old girlfriend to the prom, I’d take her in this. I’d also have to buy a pack of Marb reds for her mom before I bring her back home.
Tell him to sell the mansion and yacht and the golf membership and we might believe him.
After my Grandfather passed away, my Grandmother gave up driving in 1996. My Father had to sell, among all their other things, an absolutely perfect 1986 Plymouth Caravelle with 11,000 miles. It looked like and smelled like a brand new car, but at that time, a mint Caravelle was nearly worthless.
Profanity is the universal lubricant.
I got one as a rental because at the time, my wife said she wanted to check it out. We stop the buffeting without closing all the windows and sunroof. That and the sluggish performance didn’t impress us enough to part with actual $$$ to buy it.
I bet you could talk them down for what is essentially a clown car. A full repaint, remount the tires ‘WW IN’ and introduce a power sprayer underhood is the minimum work needed for a NP.
Is it surprisingly quick off the line, or does it suck?
My oldest dropped a deuce in a Hope Depot display toilet when my back was turned. I only found out when he shouted very loudly, “DAAAAD, YOU HAVE TO WIPE MY BUTT!”
Witch did you enjoy most; The wind buffeting with the sunroof open? Or any one window? Or any two windows? Or the loud engine noises when “accelerating” trying to get to highway speeds?
I test rode a VMax when they first came out.
Both of these “dishes” were kind of holiday staples in our family. However, they were typically poured into a pre-made graham cracker pie crust and known as “pink pie” and “pistachio pie”.