Mr. Van

I would insist that the manufacturer is liable for their product.

Do you think tractor pulls to the death would be popular on PPV?

That is clearly competitive towing.

Why would they have a hitch? The manual says not to tow anything, ever. 

FL is a single plate state. The reason why is that meth heads will steal the front plate to use on their car. It also gives transplants a place to put their old plate on the front of their car. Or a Calcutta pirate plate.

Joe and Kamala to Black voters, “Thanks for the votes! Hit you up in 2 years. kthanxbye.

They will just reconfigure them as tankers and sell them to the US military for 20 trillion each. Win-win.

I thought you would tell us if it seemed new, had fancy new seats, blue lighting under the overhead compartments and didn’t smell like BO and dirty feet.

Our junk drawer contains; a sewing kit, an assortment of batteries (but, never the ones you need), two tape measures, picture hanging kit, a B&D power screwdriver w/ bits, all my good screwdrivers?!, a ball-peen hammer, electrical tape, two “Cubs Win!” bottle openers and a utility knife.

While their entire daily schedule is free every day, old people LOVE to go to the Post Office at noon, during every working person’s lunch break.

Did you “have to go to Montpelier for that”?

Don’t go near him.

Under age transgender Jewish sex worker.

Thanks for the info. I see many Teslas here as well as few BMW i3 and i8s. I’m sure there are many PHEVs as well, but they seem to looks like their gas brethren so I don’t notice them as much. I was interested in getting one, but now with the Rona, I work from home and the kids do e-learning, so we really don’t go

What are you driving? Is that considered “normal” for the range? I was thinking specifically of Teslas and their Superchargers (200 miles on 1 hour) when I made that comment.

15 G’s is a lot of clams for this Flexi-Flyer. I can hear the dash creaking in corners through the internet. Nice and shiny, tho.

I bet you were also the Landscape Manager and Snow Removal Technician for your house like I was (Gen X).

I would think people would be interested in just plugging in their car at home and avoiding public charging points altogether.

There are two types of people in this world; Those who have worked a service job (with or without tips) and all the other assholes.

I would commit suicide before I spent $600 for “the privilege” of driving a Versa.