Mr. Van

1. The smell.

How much is the Slippery Dick option?

I had a ‘83 notchback and I too had to change out the clutch master cylinder in the middle of the winter. Street parked on Caroline in Saratoga, NY.

It’s a show for their base. They get paid whether they do anything or not (with a pension).

My cat’s favorite place seems to be on my warm, just folded clothes. Always. Without fail.

Is before or after Congress fucked the Post Office by requiring them to prefund 75 years of benefits for their workers?

This is something Taverish should work his magic on.

I’l take a Fisherman’s Platter and a chocolate Fribble next time you’re there. The one in my hometown closed. I did see one on Troy hill last time I went through ALB.

Ben Shapiro likes his P behind a sheet with a hole cut in it.

I think Palin was chosen so Obama would be ensured a second term.

Don’t buy the juice. When the kid is thirsty enough, they will drink the water.

Their prices don’t help either. Disney doesn’t want people like me and my family anymore, so fuck ‘em.

4 out of 4 kids with autism is a sign that maybe these two should have quit trying to conceive after two.

That’s because it’s just called “pizza” to them.

Reaping what you sow.

Cook them up Benihanna style, with plenty of garlic butter and Japanese fried rice.

He was the defacto President. W was a figurehead.

Is is the military version?

It is so blame may be assigned according to the ancient proverb: “He who smelt it, dealt it.”

Do not emulate David Tracy. Unless you have the land/zoning for it.